Greetings! Today we released some great features and bug fixes! Read the full announcement here! The Charactermancer Level Up is now live on the production server, with initial support for the 5e OGL character sheet! Supports all standard classes and multiclasses through level 20. Access it through the Official 5e OGL character sheet in the sheet settings (the gear icon). This also updates the character sheet to version 2.6 . How to Use the 5e OGL Charactermancer Level Up Recommended: Back up your character by making a duplicate sheet before starting. The Charactermancer Level Up works best on a level 1 PC completed with the Charactermancer Creator tool. It also can work with an existing PC, even one beyond level 1. However, your character must already have a class and maximum hit points. If it's supposed to have a subclass, it must already have that, too. It does not de-level. Once you have levels, you cannot remove them with Charactermancer. You can, however, start over by launching the Charactermancer Creator (see the Known Issues for an issue with this and multiclassing). You can have a custom class or race, but the Charactermancer won't do anything to level it up. The Charactermancer Level Up will update your current sheet. Make sure your current sheet is accurate before you start. This is especially important for your maximum hit points. The Levels Up won't recalculate your hit points when it adds hit points due to your level; it will just add the new ones. The Charactermancer supports the SRD, Players Handbook, and the Guildmasters' Guide to Ravnica. See the Known Issues for specific content issues with these sources. From the sheet options (gear icon), click the new Launch Level+ Charactermancer button. If you put enough XP in the XP field at the top of your sheet to qualify for a level up, the Charactermancer button will appear to prompt you to level up. You'll see the welcome screen for the Charactermancer Level Up. Click Next to continue. The Charactermancer will automatically fill in with your base level (whatever you had at level 1, or whatever you have the most levels in), and automatically assume that you want to add 1 level to this base. You can reduce that to "0" if you are planning to add multiclass levels without leveling up your base class. Note: As noted in the Known Issues , feats are not supported and will not be applied to your character sheet. Click Next. If you have a spellcasting class, you will be prompted to select your spells. The Spells tab shows which spells you know, and how many you can add. If you are a "prepared" spellcaster (such as a cleric or druid) who has all the class spells in their "known spells," the spells you select are the ones you have prepared. If you are a "learned" spellcaster (such as a wizard or warlock), where you only know a subset of your class spells, the spells you select are the ones you know. Many classes can change which spells they know when they increase in level. Finally, click Next or the Review tab to review your changes. Click Apply Changes to apply these levels to your character sheet. To exit Charactermancer Level Up, click the Cancel button. You'll be prompted to discard, save, or continue. If you select Discard and Exit, it will discard the data only from Level Up and not from Creator. To give feedback or view the Known Issues, pop over to the official Charactermancer Level Up Feedback Thread . Whew! That's a lot of info! Continuing on with the rest of today's updates.... Enhancements Paizo is now more prominently listed in the Marketplace home page. Updated the wiki to add a favicon and fix the topbar menus. Known Issue: The wiki top bar does not display the login/user menu on iOS. Updated the 5e NPC template to be a wider 2-column layout. Bugs Fixed Charactermancer ability score styling issue when using the SRD styling (reported here ) 5e sheet: cannot change whisper options from sheet settings Character Sheets Pathfinder Sheet Updates Caster Level can now be rolled directly from the sheet Gear items now have additional attributes such as Cost, Slot, and Special. If these are available on the Roll20 Compendium, they will populate under the item entry Various bug fixes Read the full post with more information on the Pathfinder sheet update here . The World of Darkness Sheet Updates Defense now updates when relative stats are changed ("athletics", "brawl", "dexterity", "weaponry", "wits") Page 2 repeating section items can be deleted more easily Attack roll template not counting results of 8 or 9 Changing edition now updates attacks types to match the edition The feedback thread for the World of Darkness sheet is here Thanks for reading! This is just the first of many exciting releases this January. If you haven't read the road map, check it out here . Looking for previous release notes? Read the full list on the wiki , or check out the immediate previous note here .