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Recent Uploads http request is failing with a gateway timeout when the requests asks to filter out items already in your gallery

I'm running Ubuntu 18.10 on multiple browsers (Vivaldi, Chrome, Chromium, Firefox) with multiple combinations of plugins (Firefox, for example, has this problem with only one plugin installed -- Lastpass, so I can log in). Disabling LastPass has no effect on this issue. When I view the art library, the call to roll20 at&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp;fails with a 504 (gateway timed out) error. Investigating this further, Cloudflare seems to point the blame at roll20. I'd post an image, but the image loader is also returning 403 errors for me. (Hmmmm.) Interestingly enough, if I don't filter the list, it returns fine:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Is this a long-running database call that's overrunning a timeout or something?
Looks like this is working as of this morning. If someone consciously went and fixed it: thank you!
Hi Alex, We're happy to hear that this has been resolved.&nbsp; We will be closing this thread. If you need additional assistance, please do not hesitate to&nbsp; start a new bug report thread.