name is Greg, I am 30 years old and I played and DM'ed RPG games for
the last 15 years.
am currently looking for a group of 4 players willing to play in a
campaign, which is a sequel to a campaign which I brought all the way
from lvl 1 to 20 over the span of 2 years. This would take place 15
years after the events of my previous campaign, which will serve as a
background for the action here.
characters and their actions will then, in turn, become a background
for my next campaign. I usually lean more to the RP side and get
bored with endless dungeon crawls, but I like a fight or two each
session as well.
bit about the world:
been fifteen years since the powerful Lich Svarteld was defeated and
the undead plague has been completely eradicated. The world could
heal from four hundred years of dark ages, where the arcane magic was
banned (Only mages sanctioned by the church of the Ever-burning Lady
could practice it, and even then they were detested). The Inquisition
of the Amber Flame slowly loses its grasp over the world. Once the
Lich has been defeated they are no longer necessary and faith in the
old gods begins to resurface. Long lost cities which were quite
recently festering with the undead are now free to explore. There are
libraries from the golden age, temples with secrets old forgotten
that now need to be brought to light. Lesser races, like elves and
dwarves are no longer forced to live in ghettoes. The world heals.
old northern empire of Valja, crippled during the dark ages, tries to
reclaim its provinces and grow to its former glory (Think a mix of
Vikings and the Roman empire). But its no easy tasks. Once the undead
have dissipated its as if a great burden was taken off of the
shoulders of the world. Off the shoulders of everyone. Orcs, bugbears
and other beasts resurface to wage war with humanity. Mountain
barbarians raid the farmlands and smaller kingdoms and city states
are quick to wage war against each other. Its a world of rapid
campaign will start small and local and we will see where it takes us
from there. There are probably a lot of details that I should flush
out and will do so in proper time. As of right now I just need
volunteers! The campaign will be voice only through discord.
you are interested please respond to this post by writing some basic
experience with D&D (New players welcome and encouraged!)
you would be willing to play (Saturday is best but other days would
be ok as well)
and race you want to play
backstory. You can be as detailed as you want. But prepared to
change things to fit the world. If you want to keep your backstory
more of a secret you can PM me.