Esteemed Ladies and Gentlemen, our D&D group is looking to refill a position from which one of our lady friends has sadly gone from, she has a new job and is no longer able to play D&D with us. About the group : we are a group of online streamers that are VERY down to earth and easy going. we DO NOT play stats characters and we take the roleplaying aspect of playing D&D seriously (okay more like 80% serious and 20% fooling about, BUT THATS WHAT MAKES IT FUN! <3 . We stream on and its a High Magic homebrew campaign (aside from the lands) and the campaign is based in Greyhawk (The Flanaess). We are all level 11. we have 3 ladies and 3 gents and myself as DM. (one of the ladies cant play all the time cuz she's an actor) (and one of the gents isn't playing atm cuz he's in school). I also have special guest players come in and have had such players like Ezekiel the 3rd, Dan from Sourkoolaid show, Nerdarchist Dave from Nerdarchy, and even Aram Vartian from Godsfall. About me: I'm a DM of 10yrs, 34yrs old, i'm very easy going, i love to roleplay and get into character. I can do voices and accents. i'm fair and can be very emotional and can cry on command. (i dunno if that last part helps or not hahaha) I do no judge, and i am very helpful and wanna help out anyone who is lacking in knowledge. as a DM i also allow 3rd party Classes and feats and spells and all of the UA (Except the psionics for the moment as they are still working on revamping it) Background on the campaign: The Campaign is called "The Age of Fire & Light" its about a greater Demon that has been summoned to destroy these "Seals" of Orthurst (Orthurst being a God i created, which is the God of Chaos, Magic, Knowledge) and each time this demon destroys a seal he takes in that divine energy from which the God has put forth into. The Seals of Orthurst are locks from which they are put onto Gates that directly open unto the Abyss. With each Seal broken, the Prime material plane grows weaker and more of a chance the demons invade the Material Plane. if all seals are broken, the Gates open. There is currently 4 Seals broken, and the party is on a quest to retrieve items of power, these "Legacies of the Seals", that have divine energy poured into them by Orthurst himself. The Group is on a race to retrieve these items, while "Lord Vanderhaven" or Drog'Githal (the greater demon) seeks to unseal these seals. Current Party Composition: A male Hill Dwarf War Cleric named Thor, a female Forest Gnome Druid of the Arctic Circle named Lorili "Thistle", a Female Wood Elf Monk of the Open Hand named Tsewang, a Male Goliath Hunter Ranger named Eglath, a male Human Diviner Wizard named Augustus, a Female Unknown rare Dragonborn Paladin of Vengeance named Sukira (is playing off and on), a Male Human Arcane Trickster Rogue named Sergei (Currently on education leave) and a Female High Elf Eldritch Knight named Chalia (This is the person thats leaving the group). Requirements of you: The group casts and plays on EVERY TUESDAY at 6pm PST / 9pm EST for about 3hrs or a bit longer (depending on time). HAVE A WEB CAM AND MIC! (and a fairly good internet connection). DONT BE A DICK! I DONT NEED A RULES LAWYER! NO META-GAMERS! PLAY YOUR CHARACTER and dont be a stats player character! we're all about roleplaying here. LBGTQ VERY WELCOME! WE DO NOT JUDGE! <3 BONUS WISH: if you're a theater actor or can do voice over or accents, that would be very appreciated. SPECIAL NOTE: If you don't know how to play D&D but can get into a character very easily and roleplay with the other characters, then that's a good thing too! we can teach you how to play along the way! <3 Please fill out the following Name: Whats your Race/Char you wanna play? Short description of what the character would be looking like and her/his personality: Can you do Accents/voices?