Hello all, It's that time of year yet again, when we clean up the
Guild of people who have disappeared. Some people show up once and never
make another appearance. This process is to weed those people out from
those who plan to play with us again! All you have to do is go to your name for your characters on the census ,
go two columns to the right and put in "ok" under "Purge Status" for your characters. That's
it! You survive to fight another day. If you have not put your name on
the census yet, do so and check your purge status off, even if your
character is not 100% ready. Do. Not. Re-sort. The Census ! Additionally, please be sure your Discord name matches you roll20 name and your name on the census! Those who do not complete these two simple steps will be kicked. So if your name is not on the census or you have not checked it off, you will be leaving the Guild. Forcibly. You have until February 10th at NOON Pacific Time to do this, but don't wait! Do it now! :D While you are on the census,
please adjust any of your character sheet links to the appropriate
format. The link should have your character's name (using the hyperlink
tool), NOT the entire URL. e.g. Ilmaker , not " <a href="https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=888537" rel="nofollow">https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=888537</a> " Note:
this is to get rid of the people who will never come back. If you're
going to come back at some point but you've been super busy, that is totally fine! You can answer the call. (PS
for those of you terrified by this, no you are not perma-banned from
the Guild. You can come back. This is just a cleanup. Of course, if
you're reading this, then you should just do the thing rather than
letting us kick you and then having to invite you back and find your old
stuff). Good Hunting!