I have searched through the forums and have not been able to find a topic that asks this question. So here it goes (I apologize if this is in fact a double post.) I have many different API Scripts and Macros in my game. I have some that change information on the character sheet based on what my players do. Such as the Ammo Tracker, Spell Slot Tracker, Death Save Tracker, and so on. My question is, is there an API or a Macro that would allow me to simply push a button, select the level of exhaustion, then update that information on the character sheet for the selected token, and put the information in the chat, as it does with the StatusInfo API. I do use the TokenMod, StatusInfo, and 5th Edition OGL by Roll20 Companion APIs (just to name a few). I also have a few different Macos I use as well. One for calculating XP, one for adding lighting to the token (for advanced lighting), one for Initiative, and others. Thank you for any response I get on this.