All,      I'm psyched to see some players hopping in, and I hope you've had time to check out the DTRPG link. If you haven't, thats OK too.  We need to be on the same page for chargen, so posting those rules here for all to see:  Dungeoneers start at 3rd Level using point-buy stats. Take average hit points for all levels, including first. Example: A rogue with 12 Constitution will have a maximum of: (5+1) + (5+1) + (5+1) = 18 hit points.  Dungeoneers receive one bonus feat for free but must meet all requirements. Deathmatch requires slightly more complexity than standard but needs to stay away from hit point bloat.  Dungeoneers begin with 500 gold pieces which they can use to buy equipment. Dungeoneers must spend their own starting gold pieces on equipment only and may not pool resources with other dungeoneers. Ignore any free equipment granted by background or class and use only the starting 500 gold pieces.  Wizards may use their gold pieces to buy spells for their spellbook (costing 50 gp per level of spell) and may swap out prepared spells between matches in a tournament. Spellbooks cannot change after a tournament begins.  Dungeoneers may not buy potions, poisons, alchemical, or other consumable items. They may not buy magical equipment.  Players must have a printed reference of any spells able to be cast by their dungeoneer easily accessible at the table. Ignore all material spell component requirements.  Druid dungeoneers must have a printed reference of any beast shapes assumed easily accessible at the table. Players must provide a clear, visual means of differentiating when their dungeoneer is in beast shape or normal form. Unlike other abilities that come back on a short rest, the Wild Shape ability is an exception and does not refresh when using the Respawn special ability. When a Druid heals hit points, they heal the hit points of their  current form only. Druids in Wild Shape form may not use, activate, or benefit from magic items.  Ranger Animal Companions always act immediately after the controlling dungeoneer, can use the Respawn special ability along with their dungeoneer, and do not count towards total party deaths as they are creatures but not dungeoneers. Per officially released clarifications, Ranger Animal Companions have the abilities of the animal, cannot use multiattack, and have the same proficiency bonus, etc. as the controlling dungeoneer. They share the Favored Enemy Feature of the controlling dungeoneer.