Hi all,
I have been working at translating character sheets, the platform, and website areas but I noticed that the compendium material only exists in its original language, yet.
Having a localised character sheet is great, but if the compendium content you are dropping in the sheet is in a different language... that can render the option of a translated sheet less useful. So I am writing this post in order ask both the dev team, and you all fellow users, whether this (compendium translation) is something you would be interested in implementing / using.
I would love to start working on the Italian translation of the D&D 5E & Pathfinder SRD compendium (for starters), together with the Roll20 character sheets, mostly because there are already some pretty vast Italian Wikis from where to draw the content. But I am wondering how many of you people would then be interested in using such translated content.
After all, maybe this is just a personal fixation and all of you out there are perfectly fine working with the English version!
Let me know what you think about this, thank you!