so I am looking for a new group to join but I am under heavy time constants, so first and most important, what days/times I can play and that in Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at 10:00PM CST or later!
Now as for me I am a semi experienced 29 year old player most of the time I know what I am doing =p. I love making fun characters to role play and have fun with them alot of the times my characters have laid back natures who like to crack jokes and be weird. Above table I try to give advice to other players whenever asked for it and I like to help out others. I RARELY make a good aligned character, most of the time they are some type of neutral and every now and then a "scumbag" or evil aligned character, I do like to fit in a evil characters in a good campaign not to be a evil person who just kills for no reason....that's dumb, I like to play them with there own goals and motives, like a evil paladin who was sent to kill the big bad of the adventure and will do anything to get the job done, including working for goodie two shoes, but like I said most of the time I make neutral aligned characters! if you want to know more about me (because I suck at writing about myself and how I act) feel free to drop PM me, I do have discord as well but putting that in a public thread seems kind of dumb!
and lastly and most important to me, I am looking to play several types of characters that I think will be fun, I will list them all with a very short summery about them, if you have room in a campaign and think they will fit in feel free to contact me, the characters are as followed:
1. Tabaxi arcane trickster Rogue, chaotic scumbag. ex assassin/spy/thug thief has found out that he can get paid way more for his skills without the law breathing down his back as a adventurer for hire, mostly cares only for himself and getting paided, misses his old kobold friend.
2. Tabaxi four elements Monk, neutral good, A young Tabaxi looking to journey across the land and learn of different people, this fellow is happy go lucky and always eager to talk to new people but his strong sense of justice will always drive him to help others!
3. Drow lore bard lawful/neutral Good, this poor Drow spent many of his years working to escape the underdark and is not finally free and wants to explore the world and learn of the other elfs of the world, dislikes other drow who are strong believers in lolth and strongly worships Corellon in hopes that he will be reincarnated as a different type of elf so that he may see his past lives like other elfs.
4. Human (variant) fighter or paladin, lawful good....this one is kind of wacky and home brewed, he is just a belmont from the castlevania games, the reason he is homebrew is because his weapon is going to be a Chain Whip, witch has the same statistics as a glabe but deals bludgeoning and be using a homebrewed feat that is just polearm master but for whips
5. Lizardfolk moon Druid, Lawful Evil. A lizardfolk obsessed with gold and becoming rich, she will do any job that earns his gold and will even take it over platinum, uses every chance she gets to scavenge bone and leather from the foes she kills to make things to sell.