Hello Roll 20! Would anyone be up to Playing the Beginner's game for Star Wars, Edge of the Empire this Sunday at 4 PM CST? This time can change, However I cannot do late Sunday Nights. We would love for someone to GM it for us, as we do not have any Experience w/ the system. I have the box here and will help you build the maps(with pictures) and make the custom dice on roll 20. Little to no work for the GM if needed. Looking for 4 players/GM! Voice will either be Skype, or Ventrillo.. Depending on group. A mic is a must! Beginner's box comes with premade characters & mission. No need to roll a character unless you want to make it hard on the GM =P <a href="http://www.fantasyflightgames.com/edge_minisite.asp?eidm=224" rel="nofollow">http://www.fantasyflightgames.com/edge_minisite.asp?eidm=224</a>