I want to get out of the way that I know picking up a pre-made group is a proposition not a lot of people want to deal with. We're a group of 5 players, most of whom are not just experience Pathfinder players, but DMs in our own games. We meet every Friday a little after 9PM EST. Kinda awkward if you're EST like me, but other timezones may not have a problem. We use Skype group chat to keep in touch and for voice during games. Our group has been playing together for about 9 months, and most of that time was spent in Adventure Paths. We've played through the first books of Rise of the Runelords and Shattered Star, and had just started the second book of Jade Regent when we lost our DM. Though we would love to finish that one, doesn't seem like it's happening. At this point, we are collectively just looking for a DM who is as committed as we are, and we have not had much luck. Pathfinder, 4E, some retroclones or AD&D 2E, DCC, we'll play just about anything as long as it means we can get through a campaign. So yeah. Want to DM without having to put together a group, and be sure that your players are easy to get along with? Give me a shout. You can PM me here, reply, or hit me up on Skype @ Askren-