There's four states for a LFG listing. Determining which state a game is in can be tricky at first. LFG never created -- Game doesn't show in lists, no link has been created LFG created, LFG not listed because a parameter isn't fulfilled -- At some point the LFG was created, but something doesn't fit the requirements (Examples: no/expired date for next game, number of players met/exceeded) so while the link still works the game doesn't show in LFG searches LFG created, all parameters met -- Links work, game shows in LFG searches, all is green LFG created and then disabled -- Links no longer work,the game no longer shows up in searches, because someone (GM or mods/admin) specifically disabled the listing. --- While I'm here, Case #2 above is the best (and really only) way to advertise a community on Roll20. Form a listing for your community, set the number of players desired to 1, and then when advertising specific games for your community link back to your community at that time,saying "This game brought to you by $NAME_OF_COMMUNITY"