That ... works. Kind of. It won't find newer things (for some unknown--and potentially changing--value of newer), so it's not really a valid workaround. It would be best if roll20's own search function worked, because, as I said in my post about application threads, roll20 is the source of truth (i.e. the software creating the data to search) so roll20 should be the authority on searching it.
Beyond that, Google can't be told how to search more specifically than a site's own search can, e.g. only this forum, only posts made (not edited!) on this date, only posts by this user (false positives come up on quoted posts or posts mentioning the user, and that just devolves into uselessness if the username is a common word). You can kluge it, again, kind of, but I've found that kind of thing isn't entirely reliable.
Between the forum search being broken and campaign forum threads not working like the less ephemeral general forums, I begin to wonder if the forum code could use some love in general.
edited to add some details and clarify a bit