I don't know if it is a roll20 thing to say what kind of preferred character you play as, since everyone seemed nice here and gave out their preferred character^^ The link didn't work very well, so I understand you can't think of a character without the slightest piece of worldbuilding. I will be in contact with everyone that responded, and as for some of the world, I'll give a quick summary:
It is the year 266 of the current Age of Revolution. This world has been torn heavily by wars and tyranny, as well as a rampant disease called the Spellplague, which seemed to burn the mind of any spellcaster and turn them into raving lunatics, until their brains quite literally melted inside their skulls. This horrid era of misery ended as the high king of humans was killed, the human superiority was splintered and they created different nations among themselves. They have lived in stalemate ever since, free of war, and the world is turning into something more prosperous, the different non-human races were almost subjugated or wiped out, and many still hold bitter feelings, but in the current stalemate they are sure they cannot be attack any longer.
Orcs have been reduced to mostly a slave race, with some free spirited ones living in splintered tribes in a harmonic culture close to spirits and nature, where they previously were brutal and bloodlusted.
Elves have retreated to the jungle isles of Astrea, where they live away from concrete and steel. They are also excellent seafarers in my setting, having the quickest and most manuverable ships.
Dwarves live among humans, but most of them are still within their old ancestral holds. They never created countries of their own, and dwarven culture is just free cities under the reign of a dwarven lord, all of which swear fealty to their king without a kingdom.
There is more about politics and different races, such as the mysterious Warforged that seems to have no clear origin and having popped up recently, the halflings many believe existed prior to humans, the tieflings of the southern deserts and such, but for your characters, what would be more pressing knowledge is that the world (you start in the kingdom of Ithilmar) is seemingly at peace, and having been for generations due to a deadlock of mutual assured destruction, and there are rumours whispered by frightened mouths of people dying, and their cause of death seemingly identical to the horror of the Spellplague, centuries ago...
And to make clear, I will not nerf, kill, or in any way hinder your character if you make a spellcaster. I'm not going to afflict him or her with the spellplague, but it would be a very real threat in lore, if these rumors turns out to be true... I will have a sandbox kind of world, but unlike the elder scrolls fashion, you DO have a home, and less inclination to just wander the world and fighting monsters for ever increasing stashes of loot forever. You get to decide what and how, but I would like your character to have some attachment to the starting town. They could live there, have family and friends there, or maybe having a stable position there. I would also allow 'just passing through', but the first few session at the very minimum I'm going to keep you in town. After that, you can turn into rampant murder hobos and roam the entire world if you want... Hopefully not, but hey, it's your characters:p