The email I got said to drop our game streams here, but I feel dumb making a whole post about our silly little game. Basically we are playing a 13th Age campaign in a co-designed setting and things often get very, well, crazy. We are often very irreverent and get off topic, but we're tolerably funny sometimes (not a promise). The videos start at Session 4 because the others were recorded and streamed to a different website, their links are in the info section of this video: Parts 1-3: Part 1: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Part 2: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Part 3: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Here is the link to the YouTube Playlist: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> The characters are: Chaska - A man from the 1st Age who has been thrown into the future due to some craaaaaazy magic. Three - A living statue of bronze who really seems to like explosives. He was being used by the Diabolist as a node for evil energy until he escaped. Dove - A croan (think kenku) Sodina (basically an oracle) who has been ousted from her tribe of Koru Behemoth dwellers. She is trying to save her people. Dawn - The human daughter of The Green Dragon, yet she doesn't know it. Captain Forneus - The Dread Pirate of The Siren's Song and all-around cool manta ray man. Kobolds in my world are small animal people, so that's why he's a manta ray man and has a crew of fish people. Daemon - Son of the Diabolist. He is trying to locate Three so they can be total bros and probably kill her or something. He is half demon.