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Parse Savage Worlds Stat Block

The API Script&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp; has stopped working with the new sheet update.&nbsp; Can this be fixed?&nbsp; I have no exp in Java. // SWADE STAT BLOCK IMPORTER FOR ROLL20 API // Original Author Jason.P 18/1/2015 - ported from Version 2.25 // Thread: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> // // pelwer - 12/28/18 // Hacked to parse swade stat block from pdf // // INSTRUCTIONS // 1. Find yourself a SW stat-block // 2. Copy the stat block from *Name* on down - make sure first line starts with 'DD' if wild card // 3. Paste the stat block into the GM Notes Section of a token in your roll20 campaign. // 4. Select the token // 5. In the chat box, type the command "!SW-Import". // // --------------------------------------------------------- // js beautify json options: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> // { // "indent_size": "3", // "indent_char": " ", // "max_preserve_newlines": "2", // "preserve_newlines": true, // "keep_array_indentation": false, // "break_chained_methods": false, // "indent_scripts": "normal", // "brace_style": "end-expand", // "space_before_conditional": true, // "unescape_strings": false, // "jslint_happy": false, // "end_with_newline": false, // "wrap_line_length": "0", // "indent_inner_html": false, // "comma_first": false, // "e4x": false // } // AddAttribute("size",sizeNum,charID); // var AddAttribute = AddAttribute || {}; // needed? function AddAttribute(attr, value, charID) { if (value === undefined) { log(attr + " has returned an undefined value."); sendChat("Error on " + attr + " attribute", "This attribute has been ignored."); } else { createObj("attribute", { name: attr, current: value, characterid: charID }); //use the line below for diagnostics! // sendChat("", "Attribute: Value = " + attr + ": " + value); } return; } // // function that adds the various abilities // // addAbility(attackName[1]+"-DMG", abilityDamageString, charID); // // var AddAbility = AddAbility || {}; // function addAbility(ability, text, charID) { // createObj("ability", { // name: ability, // description: "", // action: text, // istokenaction: true, // characterid: charID // }); // } // / \ / [ ] ( ) { } ? + * | . ^ $ var RegExpEscapeSpecial = /([\/\\\/\[\]\(\)\{\}\?\+\*\|\.\^\$])/g; // string search and replace insitu // e.g. gmNotes = stripString(gmNotes, "%3C/h1%3E", "%3Cbr"); // search-in-string.replace( searchforvalue, replacewithnewvalue) // str = searchIn; removeStr = searchFor; replaceWith = replaceWith function stripString(str, removeStr, replaceWith) { var r = new RegExp(removeStr.replace(RegExpEscapeSpecial, "\\$1"), 'g'); return str.replace(r, replaceWith); } /* Deletes any characters between the character a and b in incstr */ function stripStringRegEx(incstr, a, b) { var ea = a.replace(RegExpEscapeSpecial, "\\$1"), eb = b.replace(RegExpEscapeSpecial, "\\$1"), r = new RegExp(ea + '.*?' + eb, 'g'); return incstr.replace(r, ''); } /*Cleans up the string leaving text and hyperlinks */ function cleanUpString(strSpecials) { strSpecials = stripString(strSpecials, "%20", " "); strSpecials = stripString(strSpecials, "%22", "\""); strSpecials = stripString(strSpecials, "%29", ")"); strSpecials = stripString(strSpecials, "%28", "("); strSpecials = stripString(strSpecials, "%2C", ","); strSpecials = stripString(strSpecials, "%3C", "&lt;"); strSpecials = stripString(strSpecials, "%3E", "&gt;"); strSpecials = stripString(strSpecials, "%23", "#"); strSpecials = stripString(strSpecials, "%3A", ":"); strSpecials = stripString(strSpecials, "%3B", ","); strSpecials = stripString(strSpecials, "%3D", "="); strSpecials = stripString(strSpecials, "&lt;/strong&gt;", ""); strSpecials = stripString(strSpecials, "&lt;strong&gt;", ""); strSpecials = stripString(strSpecials, "&lt;/em&gt;", ""); strSpecials = stripString(strSpecials, "&lt;em&gt;", ""); strSpecials = stripString(strSpecials, "%u2013", "-"); strSpecials = stripStringRegEx(strSpecials, "&lt;b", "&gt;"); strSpecials = stripString(strSpecials, "&lt;/b&gt;", ""); strSpecials = stripStringRegEx(strSpecials, "&lt;h", "&gt;"); strSpecials = stripStringRegEx(strSpecials, "&lt;/h", "&gt;"); strSpecials = stripString(strSpecials, "&lt;/a&gt;", ""); strSpecials = stripStringRegEx(strSpecials, "&lt;t", "&gt;"); strSpecials = stripStringRegEx(strSpecials, "&lt;/t", "&gt;"); strSpecials = stripString(strSpecials, "%20", " "); strSpecials = stripString(strSpecials, "%22", "\""); strSpecials = stripString(strSpecials, "%29", ")"); strSpecials = stripString(strSpecials, "%28", "("); strSpecials = stripString(strSpecials, "%2C", ","); strSpecials = stripString(strSpecials, "%u201C", ""); strSpecials = stripString(strSpecials, "%u201D", ""); strSpecials = stripString(strSpecials, "%26amp,", "and"); strSpecials = stripString(strSpecials, "p1\"&gt;", ""); strSpecials = stripString(strSpecials, "s1\"&gt;", ""); strSpecials = stripString(strSpecials, "p2\"&gt;", ""); strSpecials = stripString(strSpecials, "p[0-9]\"&gt;", ""); while ( != -1) { strSpecials = strSpecials.replace(/%../, ""); } return strSpecials; } /* Deletes the links from the string str */ function removeLinks(str) { return stripStringRegEx(str, "&lt;", "&gt;"); } // For checking if a string is empty, null or undefined I use: function isEmpty(str) { return (!str || 0 === str.length); } //For checking if a string is blank, null or undefined I use: function isBlank(str) { return (!str || /^\s*$/.test(str)); } // convert SWADE die value to Roll20 exploding die format. e.g. d12+2 --&gt; d12!+2 function dieConvert(str) { var parsedDice = []; if (/d\d+\+\d+/.test(str)) { // d12+2 parsedDice = str.match(/(d\d+)(\+\d+)/); // [1] = d12; [2] = +2; return (parsedDice[1] + '!' + parsedDice[2]); } else { // d12 return (str + '!'); // d12! } } // need to learn why this didn't work // var athletics = 'd' + getSkillDie( gmNotes, 'Athletics'); // sendChat("","Function Athletics: " + athletics); // search text for skill name and return die value function getSkillDie(searchIn, forSkill) { var reggie = new RegExp(forSkill + '\s+d(\d+)', ''); if (reggie.test(searchIn)) { return searchIn.match(reggie)[1]; } else { return "4"; } } // ----------------------------------- START ---------------------------- // catch the invocation command (!SWADE-Import ) // start parsing the GM notes on('chat:message', function(msg) { // Only run when message is an api type and contains "!PathfinderImport" if (msg.type === 'api' &amp;&amp; msg.content.indexOf('!SW-Import') !== -1) { // Make sure there's a selected object if (!(msg.selected &amp;&amp; msg.selected.length &gt; 0)) { sendChat("ERROR", "No Token Selected."); return; } // Don't try to set up a drawing or card var token = getObj('graphic', msg.selected[0]._id); if (token.get('subtype') !== 'token') { sendChat("ERROR", "Must select a Token, not a drawing or a card."); return; } //************* START CREATING CHARACTER**************** var verboseMode = 0; // get notes from token var originalGmNotes = token.get('gmnotes'); var gmNotes = token.get('gmnotes'); if (!gmNotes) { sendChat("ERROR", "GM Notes is empty."); return; } // sendChat("","raw gmNotes = [" + gmNotes + "]" ); // strip out html tags: myString.replace(/&lt;(?:.|\n)*?&gt;/gm, ''); // gmNotes = gmNotes.replace(/&lt;(?:.|\n)*?&gt;/gm, ''); // sendChat("","after 2nd replace gmNotes = [" + gmNotes + "]" ); // this is the winner !! put what you want to keep in the regex // gmNotes = gmNotes.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9()&lt;\/&gt;+:, ]/g, ''); // sendChat("","after 1st replace gmNotes = [" + gmNotes + "]" ); //strip html junk from gmNotes that roll20 stores text block gmNotes = stripString(gmNotes, "%3C/table%3E", "%3Cbr"); gmNotes = stripString(gmNotes, "%3C/h1%3E", "%3Cbr"); gmNotes = stripString(gmNotes, "%3C/h2%3E", "%3Cbr"); gmNotes = stripString(gmNotes, "%3C/h3%3E", "%3Cbr"); gmNotes = stripString(gmNotes, "%3C/h4%3E", "%3Cbr"); // sendChat("","some cleaning gmNotes = [" + gmNotes + "]" ); // return; //break the string down by line returns // var data = gmNotes.split("userscript-"); var data = []; if ( /userscript-/.test(gmNotes) ) { data = gmNotes.split("userscript-"); } else { data = gmNotes.split("br"); } // check the data looks right // sendChat("","data2 = [" + data[2] + "]" ); // return; //clean any characters excepting text and hyperlinks var charNameLine = ""; var charName = ""; var wildCard = 0; var skipLoop = 0; for (var i = 0; i &lt; data.length; i++) { data[i] = cleanUpString(data[i]); data[i] = removeLinks(data[i]); data[i] = data[i].trim(); // grab the first line with text if (/[A-Z]+/.test(data[i]) &amp;&amp; !skipLoop) { // sendChat("","got here 8 - data[i]: i = " + i + " [" + data[i].length + "]" ); // sendChat("","[" + data[i][0] + data[i][1] + data[i][2] + data[i][3] + "]" ); skipLoop = 1; charNameLine = data[i]; // the wildcard symbol in the SWADE PDF translates to "DD" in GM Notes after all the string stripping if (charNameLine.match(/^DD/)) { wildCard = 1; } // get the name of the monster to build the journal entry if (wildCard) { charName = charNameLine.match(/^DD(.*)/)[1]; } else { charName = charNameLine.match(/^(.*)/)[1]; } charName = charName.replace(/p class/g, ''); charName = stripString(charName, "nbsp,", " "); charName = charName.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9()+:, ]/g, ''); charName = charName.trim(); // get rid of all new lines // charName = charName.replace(/[\n\r]+/g, ""); // If you want to remove all control characters, including CR and LF, you can use this: // charName = charName.replace(/[^\x20-\x7E]/gmi, ""); } } if (verboseMode) { sendChat('', 'charName = [' + charName + ']'); sendChat("", "Wild Card: = [" + wildCard + "]"); } // get GM Notes into a single long string for regex parsing gmNotes = stripString(gmNotes, "%3C", "&lt;"); gmNotes = stripString(gmNotes, "%3E", "&gt;"); gmNotes = stripString(gmNotes, "%23", "#"); gmNotes = stripString(gmNotes, "%3A", ":"); gmNotes = stripString(gmNotes, "%3B", ","); gmNotes = stripString(gmNotes, "%3D", "="); gmNotes = stripString(gmNotes, "&lt;/strong&gt;", ""); gmNotes = stripString(gmNotes, "&lt;strong&gt;", ""); gmNotes = stripString(gmNotes, "&lt;/em&gt;", ""); gmNotes = stripString(gmNotes, "&lt;em&gt;", ""); gmNotes = stripString(gmNotes, "%u2013", "-"); gmNotes = stripStringRegEx(gmNotes, "&lt;b", "&gt;"); gmNotes = stripString(gmNotes, "&lt;/b&gt;", ""); gmNotes = stripStringRegEx(gmNotes, "&lt;h", "&gt;"); gmNotes = stripStringRegEx(gmNotes, "&lt;/h", "&gt;"); gmNotes = stripString(gmNotes, "&lt;/a&gt;", ""); gmNotes = stripStringRegEx(gmNotes, "&lt;t", "&gt;"); gmNotes = stripStringRegEx(gmNotes, "&lt;/t", "&gt;"); gmNotes = stripStringRegEx(gmNotes, "&lt;span", "&gt; "); gmNotes = stripStringRegEx(gmNotes, "&lt;/span", "&gt; "); gmNotes = stripString(gmNotes, "&lt;span&gt;", " "); gmNotes = stripString(gmNotes, "&lt;/span&gt;", " "); gmNotes = stripStringRegEx(gmNotes, "&lt;p", "&gt; "); gmNotes = stripStringRegEx(gmNotes, "&lt;/p", "&gt; "); gmNotes = stripString(gmNotes, "&lt;p&gt;", " "); gmNotes = stripString(gmNotes, "&lt;/p&gt;", " "); gmNotes = stripString(gmNotes, "%20", " "); gmNotes = stripString(gmNotes, "%22", "\""); gmNotes = stripString(gmNotes, "%29", ")"); gmNotes = stripString(gmNotes, "%28", "("); gmNotes = stripString(gmNotes, "%2C", ","); gmNotes = stripString(gmNotes, "%27", "'"); gmNotes = stripString(gmNotes, "%u2019", "'"); gmNotes = stripString(gmNotes, "%u201C", " "); gmNotes = stripString(gmNotes, "%u2022", " "); gmNotes = stripString(gmNotes, "%u2014", " "); gmNotes = stripString(gmNotes, "%84", " "); gmNotes = stripString(gmNotes, "%0A", " "); gmNotes = stripString(gmNotes, "%26nbsp,", " "); gmNotes = stripString(gmNotes, "%u201D", " "); gmNotes = stripString(gmNotes, "%26amp,", "and"); // sendChat("","x gmNotes = [" + gmNotes + "]" ); // return; // done with all the substitutions, delete all the other codes while ( != -1) { gmNotes = gmNotes.replace(/%../, ""); } // This javascript replaces all 3 types of line breaks with a space // This makes gmNotes 1 line of text gmNotes = gmNotes.replace(/([\r\n]+)/gm, " "); //Replace all double white spaces with single spaces gmNotes = gmNotes.replace(/\s+/g, ' '); // this is the winner !! gmNotes = gmNotes.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9()\+:,\'\. ]/g, ''); gmNotes = gmNotes.replace(/span classuserscripts1/g, ' '); gmNotes = gmNotes.replace(/span classuserscripts2/g, ' '); gmNotes = gmNotes.replace(/span classuserscripts3/g, ' '); gmNotes = gmNotes.replace(/span classuserscripts4/g, ' '); gmNotes = gmNotes.replace(/pp classuserscriptp1/g, ' '); gmNotes = gmNotes.replace(/pp classuserscriptp2/g, ' '); gmNotes = gmNotes.replace(/pp classuserscriptp3/g, ' '); gmNotes = gmNotes.replace(/pp classuserscriptp4/g, ' '); gmNotes = gmNotes.replace(/p classuserscriptp1/g, ' '); gmNotes = gmNotes.replace(/spanspan/g, ' '); gmNotes = gmNotes.replace(/span span/g, ' '); gmNotes = gmNotes.trim(); // If you want to remove all control characters, including CR and LF, you can use this: gmNotes = gmNotes.replace(/[^\x20-\x7E]/gmi, ""); // check the cleanup if (verboseMode) { sendChat("", "clean gmNotes in 1 line = [" + gmNotes + "]"); } // ------------------------------------------ // ----- start extracting attributes -------- // ------------------------------------------ // Attributes var agility = ''; var smarts = ''; var spirit = ''; var strength = ''; var vigor = ''; if (!(/Agility/.test(gmNotes) &amp;&amp; /Smarts/.test(gmNotes) &amp;&amp; /Spirit/.test(gmNotes) &amp;&amp; /Strength/.test(gmNotes) &amp;&amp; /Vigor/.test(gmNotes))) { sendChat("ERROR", "Attributes (Agility, Strength, etc.) not found in GM Notes!"); return; } // d 12 + 2 agility = gmNotes.match(/\Agility\s+(d\d+\+?\d*)/)[1]; smarts = gmNotes.match(/\Smarts\s+(d\d+\+?\d*)/)[1]; spirit = gmNotes.match(/\Spirit\s+(d\d+\+?\d*)/)[1]; strength = gmNotes.match(/\Strength\s+(d\d+\+?\d*)/)[1]; vigor = gmNotes.match(/\Vigor\s+(d\d+\+?\d*)/)[1]; // Skills var combat = '1'; var fighting = '4'; var shooting = '4'; var intimpers = '1'; var intim = '1'; var pers = '1'; var athletics = 'd4'; var notice = 'd4'; var stealth = 'd4'; var arcane = 'd4'; // grab only the die size for the compare if (/Fighting\s+d(\d+)/.test(gmNotes)) { fighting = gmNotes.match(/Fighting\s+d(\d+)/)[1]; } if (/Shooting\s+d(\d+)/.test(gmNotes)) { shooting = gmNotes.match(/Shooting\s+d(\d+)/)[1]; } // now get the full dice string if (parseInt(shooting, 10) &gt; parseInt(fighting, 10)) { combat = gmNotes.match(/Shooting\s+(d\d+\+?\d*)/)[1]; } else { combat = gmNotes.match(/Fighting\s+(d\d+\+?\d*)/)[1]; } // grab only the die size for the compare if (/Intimidation\s+d(\d+)/.test(gmNotes)) { intim = gmNotes.match(/Intimidation\s+d(\d+)/)[1]; } if (/Persuasion\s+d(\d+)/.test(gmNotes)) { pers = gmNotes.match(/Persuasion\s+d(\d+)/)[1]; } if (parseInt(pers, 10) &gt; parseInt(intimpers, 10)) { intimpers = gmNotes.match(/Persuasion\s+(d\d+\+?\d*)/)[1]; } else if (intim === '1') { // no intim skill intimpers = 'd4'; } else { intimpers = gmNotes.match(/Intimidation\s+(d\d+\+?\d*)/)[1]; } if (/Athletics\s+(d\d+\+?\d*)/.test(gmNotes)) { athletics = gmNotes.match(/Athletics\s+(d\d+\+?\d*)/)[1]; } if (/Notice\s+(d\d+\+?\d*)/.test(gmNotes)) { notice = gmNotes.match(/Notice\s+(d\d+\+?\d*)/)[1]; } if (/Stealth\s+(d\d+\+?\d*)/.test(gmNotes)) { stealth = gmNotes.match(/Stealth\s+(d\d+\+?\d*)/)[1]; } if (/[Spellcasting|Focus|Faith|Psionics|Weird Science]\s+(d\d+\+?\d*)/.test(gmNotes)) { arcane = gmNotes.match(/[Spellcasting|Spellweaving|Runecasting|Focus|Faith|Psionics|Weird Science]\s+(d\d+\+?\d*)/)[1]; } // Derived Stats var pace = 6; var parry = 5; var toughness = 5; var armor = 0; var size = 0; if (/Pace:\s+(\d+)/.test(gmNotes)) { pace = gmNotes.match(/Pace:\s+(\d+)/)[1]; } if (/Parry:\s+(\d+)/.test(gmNotes)) { parry = gmNotes.match(/Parry:\s+(\d+)/)[1]; } if (/Toughness:\s+(\d+)/.test(gmNotes)) { toughness = gmNotes.match(/Toughness:\s+(\d+)/)[1]; } // Toughness: 12 (4) if (/Toughness:\s+\d+\s*\((\d+)\)/.test(gmNotes)) { armor = gmNotes.match(/Toughness:\s+\d+\s*\((\d+)\)/)[1]; } // Size 1 Size +1 if (/Size\s+\+?(\d+)/.test(gmNotes)) { size = gmNotes.match(/Size\s+\+?(\d+)/)[1]; } // Edges var initEdges = '0,'; var cbtReflex = '0'; var ironJaw = '0'; if (/(Edges|Special Abilities):.*Quick/.test(gmNotes)) { initEdges = initEdges + 'Qui,'; } if (/(Edges|Special Abilities):.*Improved Level Headed/.test(gmNotes)) { initEdges = initEdges + 'ILH,'; } if (/(Edges|Special Abilities):.*Level Headed/.test(gmNotes)) { initEdges = initEdges + 'LH,'; } if (/(Edges|Special Abilities):.*Tactician/.test(gmNotes)) { initEdges = initEdges + 'TT,'; } if (/(Edges|Special Abilities):.*Master Tactician/.test(gmNotes)) { initEdges = initEdges + 'MTT,'; } if (/(Edges|Special Abilities):.*Mighty Blow/.test(gmNotes)) { initEdges = initEdges + 'WCE,'; } if (/(Edges|Special Abilities):.*Dead Shot/.test(gmNotes)) { initEdges = initEdges + 'WCE,'; } if (/(Edges|Special Abilities):.*Combat Reflex/.test(gmNotes)) { cbtReflex = '1'; } if (/(Edges|Special Abilities):.*Iron Jaw/.test(gmNotes)) { ironJaw = '1'; } // Damage var melee = 'd6'; // Str+2d6+2 var ranged = '2d6!'; // Str + 2 d 10 + if (/Str\+(\d*d\d+\+?\d*)/.test(gmNotes)) { melee = gmNotes.match(/Str\+(\d*d\d+\+?\d*)/)[1]; } if (verboseMode) { sendChat('', 'AGI: ' + agility); sendChat("", "SMA: " + smarts); sendChat("", "SPI: " + spirit); sendChat("", "STR: " + strength); sendChat("", "VIG: " + vigor); sendChat("", "Combat: " + combat); sendChat("", "Athletics: " + athletics); sendChat("", "IntimPers: " + intimpers); sendChat("", "Notice: " + notice); sendChat("", "Stealth: " + stealth); sendChat("", "Arcane: " + arcane); sendChat("", "Pace: " + pace); sendChat("", "Parry: " + parry); sendChat("", "Toughness: " + toughness); sendChat("", "Armor: " + armor); sendChat("", "Size: " + size); sendChat("", "Melee: " + melee); sendChat("", "Ranged: " + ranged); sendChat("", "InitEdges: " + initEdges); sendChat("", "CombatReflex: " + cbtReflex); sendChat("", "IronJaw: " + ironJaw); } // Build the character sheet with attributes // check if the character sheet entry already exists, if so error and exit. var CheckSheet = findObjs({ _type: "character", name: charName }); if (CheckSheet.length &gt; 0) { sendChat("ERROR", "This character already exists."); return; }; // rename and configure the token // Name p/p/t(a)[s]@ = Name pace/parry/toughness(armor){size}@ (if WildCard) var tokenName = charName + " " + pace + "/" + parry + "/" + toughness + "(" + armor + "){" + size + "}"; if (wildCard) { tokenName = tokenName + "@"; } // sendChat("", "token name: " + tokenName); token.set("name", tokenName); token.set("showname", true); token.set("showplayers_name", false); //Create character entry in journal, token image = avatar image var character = createObj("character", { avatar: token.get("imgsrc"), name: charName, archived: false }); // format GM notes for Bio gmNotes = gmNotes.replace(/DD/, '&lt;b&gt;[Wild Card!]&lt;/b&gt; '); gmNotes = gmNotes.replace(charName, '&lt;b&gt;' + charName +'&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br&gt;'); gmNotes = gmNotes.replace('Attributes', '&lt;br&gt;&lt;b&gt;Attributes &lt;/b&gt;' ); gmNotes = gmNotes.replace('Skills','&lt;br&gt;&lt;b&gt;Skills &lt;/b&gt;'); gmNotes = gmNotes.replace('Edges', '&lt;br&gt;&lt;b&gt;Edges &lt;/b&gt;'); gmNotes = gmNotes.replace('Special Abilities', '&lt;br&gt;&lt;b&gt;Special Abilities &lt;/b&gt;'); gmNotes = gmNotes.replace('Pace', '&lt;br&gt;&lt;b&gt;Pace&lt;/b&gt;'); gmNotes = gmNotes.replace('Gear', '&lt;br&gt;&lt;b&gt;Gear &lt;/b&gt;'); gmNotes = gmNotes.replace('Powers', '&lt;br&gt;&lt;b&gt;Powers &lt;/b&gt;'); character.set('bio', gmNotes ); // assign token to represent character var charID = character.get('_id'); token.set("represents", charID); //assign token to be default token // have to do this outside script for now setDefaultTokenForCharacter( character, token ); // Assign all the attributes to the character sheet AddAttribute('AGI', dieConvert(agility), charID); AddAttribute('SMA', dieConvert(smarts), charID); AddAttribute('SPI', dieConvert(spirit), charID); AddAttribute('STR', dieConvert(strength), charID); AddAttribute('VIG', dieConvert(vigor), charID); AddAttribute('WildDie', wildCard, charID); AddAttribute('Combat', dieConvert(combat), charID); AddAttribute('MeleeDam', dieConvert(melee), charID); AddAttribute('RangeDam', ranged, charID); AddAttribute('Arcane', dieConvert(arcane), charID); AddAttribute('Athletics', dieConvert(athletics), charID); AddAttribute('IntimPers', dieConvert(intimpers), charID); AddAttribute('Notice', dieConvert(notice), charID); AddAttribute('Stealth', dieConvert(stealth), charID); AddAttribute('Pace', pace, charID); AddAttribute('Parry', parry, charID); AddAttribute('Toughness', toughness, charID); AddAttribute('Armor', armor, charID); AddAttribute('Size', size, charID); AddAttribute('InitEdges', initEdges, charID); AddAttribute('CombatReflex', cbtReflex, charID); AddAttribute('IronJaw', ironJaw, charID); sendChat('', '/w gm SW Statblock Import Complete'); sendChat('', '/w gm Created: charName = [' + charName + '] Wild Card: = [' + wildCard + ']'); return; } });
I hope someone can help you this seems very useful.&nbsp;
Roll20 Production Team
Marketplace Creator
Sheet Author
Compendium Curator
It would help for the purposes of debugging to provide a pdf (freely distributed) with an example statblock in it.
The last two pages of this pdf have two example statblocks, one an extra and one a wild card.&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>