I dont want to get your hopes up, but I might have an idea on how to do this attack, but have a few questions:
Seph said:
for the clarification! Regarding the first item, the main purpose is to
simplify multiple abilities that affect attack rolls interacting with
each other. Two major bosses in my Pathfinder campaign have these
abilities, so having everything resolved in a macro would be awesome. They are as follows:
you make an attack roll … and miss, you may immediately roll again. You
must take the second roll, even if it’s lower.” For this I changed the attack roll to 1d20ro<{@{target|ac} - <roll modifiers>,1}kh1cs>19 + <roll modifiers>.
“If your
successful critical confirmation roll is a natural 19 or 20, you can
spend 2 stamina points to roll another confirmation roll. If this
confirmation roll also succeeds, increase your critical multiplier by 1
for this attack, and you can roll again. If you continue to roll 19 or
20, you can continue to spend stamina points for additional rolls, and
the increases to the critical multiplier stack.” This is where the exploding dice come in. I want to be able to know how many times the crit confirmation roll results in a nat 19 or 20, so I imagine the attack roll might be something like 1d20ro<{@{target|ac} +1 - <roll modifiers>,1}kh1!>19>19 + <roll modifiers>. If possible, a way for the number of successes to increase the critical multiplier damage would be handy.
“When making a Sudden Attack, you roll twice and take the better result, adding your tier to the attack roll.” This is what changes the 1d20 to 2d20k1. Now I'd just like a way to combine all three, since they affect the same attack.
This is a simplified version of the macro I currently have for this attack:
@{selected|whispertype} &{template:pc} {{name=Sudden Attack}}
{{type=attackdamage}} {{showchar=@{selected|rollshowchar}}}
{{charname=@{selected|character_name}}} {{nonlethal=1[Nonlethal]}}
{{attack=1}}{{roll=2d20k1ro<{@{target|ac} - (@{selected|bab}[BAB]
+ @{selected|strength_mod}[STR] + <all other modifiers (there's a lot)>[MOD] +
@{selected|attack_bonus}[TEMP] +
(@{selected|attack_condition})[CONDITION] +
@{selected|rollmod_attack}[QUERY]),1}kh1cs>19cf0 +
@{selected|bab}[BAB] + @{selected|strength_mod}[STR] + <all other modifiers>[MOD] +
@{selected|attack_bonus}[TEMP] +
(@{selected|attack_condition})[CONDITION] +
@{selected|rollmod_attack}[QUERY]}} {{critconfirm=2d20k1ro<{@{target|ac} - (4[CF] + @{selected|bab}[BAB]
+ @{selected|strength_mod}[STR] + <all other modifiers (there's a lot)>[MOD] +
@{selected|attack_bonus}[TEMP] +
(@{selected|attack_condition})[CONDITION] +
@{selected|rollmod_attack}[QUERY]),1}kh1cs>19cf0 +
4[CF] + @{selected|bab}[BAB] + @{selected|strength_mod}[STR] + <all other modifiers>[MOD] +
@{selected|attack_bonus}[TEMP] +
(@{selected|attack_condition})[CONDITION] +
@{selected|rollmod_attack}[QUERY]}}{{atkvs=(Melee vs
AC)}}{{descflag=1}}{{desc=must spend 1 mythic power}}{{shownotes=1}}{{notes=}}{{damage=1}} {{dmg1flag=1}}
{{dmg1=2d10+@{selected|strength_mod}[STR] + <dmg modifiers>[MOD] +
@{selected|damage_bonus}[TEMP] + @{selected|rollmod_damage}[QUERY]
type|piercing,p|bludgeoning,b}}}{{dmg1crit=((20 * 3) +
(@{selected|strength_mod}[STR] + <dmg modifiers>[MOD] +
@{selected|damage_bonus}[TEMP] + @{selected|rollmod_damage}[QUERY]) *
3)}} {{conditionsflag=@{selected|attack_condition}}}
I tested the above roll, and it looks incomplete, and the attack and damage rolls aren't enclosed in [[ ]] so it doesnt roll.
Do you have a working version of this roll, using just a basic attack roll (none of the three special rules you want incorporated)?
I'm curious about these two rules and how they interact:
- “…whenever you make an attack roll … and miss, you may immediately roll again. You must take the second roll, even if it’s lower.”
- “When making a Sudden Attack, you roll twice and take the better result, adding your tier to the attack roll.”
How do both of these apply together? Do you roll twice, take the better roll, and then if you still miss, roll twice again, take the best of those, and must accept it if its better than the first paired roll?
It's not too hard to do a custom roll, even with rules as complex as this - the tricky part is combining it with a rolltemplate (especially since the html entity replacement crops up when interacting with scripts), but i have an idea how to do it and look mostly right.
Your calling macro would have the rolltemplate broken into parts, something like
!bossattack --attack --damage --template
attack would be the entire attack string , except for the roll part (all the bonuses basically).
damage would be the damage string without the [[ ]], to make sure roll20 doesnt roll it before the script gets it.
and template would be the rest of the roll template without the attack and damage sections.
In the script, I'd handle making the attack roll, then adding on the bonuses. The damage roll would then be made, taking critical effects into account. And then a fake attack and damage rolltemplate element would be added into the template, and it would be printed out as a complete attack.
a {{desc=}} element could be added to show how many d20s were rolled on the attack, and the critical options (how many times crits were rolled, and how much stamina could be spent).
The main issue with this is you would lose the mouseover text (you know where you mouse over a roll and see how it is made) - but you shouldnt need that. Actually i could probably fake a mouseover to include those, but you might want to see them more easily if you are deciding how much stamina to spend.