Hey there. Infinity RPG uses a 2d20 system with 2 methods of success: 1. Rolling 1 or more dice under/ equalling the character’s skill level + relevant attribute 2. Rolling under/ equal to the “focus” value of the same skill, which is basically a crit since it’s very rarely more than 3. In this way, it’s possible to roll up to 4 successes on only 2 dice, since you can have Focus 2 and roll a 1 and 2. Now, the Roll20 sheet handles this all right by counting the Focus target as a “cs” and the Skill + Attribute as the main target. Of course, this only turns the box green if you get the crit; you can only count the extra successes by mousing over. This is fine for play but I really want to write some helper macros that count the full number of hits; there’s some cool stuff that can only be done with that number. I’ve seen this asked before and everyone said to go to API, but I’m not sure where to start. I’m trying to make this work with PowerCards, which already has a few functions related to the CritCheck variable, but this could easily be its own script. I’m stuck on the 2d20 roll needing to pull the Focus attribute; I can see how you would ring up extra successes for 1s but I don’t know how to make it work for a variable. Would love any help - thanks!