"Hmm, I like that, has a ring to it. Not sure about painting a girl on the front though, always seemed a bit of a cliche to me." Drael replies as he finishes the landing, checking the positioning all the way in, lining up perfectly, reversing the ship as he closes to have it facing forward towards the exit, an old habit, that had helped him out of more than one scrape in the past. Sighing, he runs a hand through his hair, before spinning round to the others. "So I need to get somebody onboard to fix this transponder, which is going to result currently in the ship being renamed the Sanguine, then I'm going to try and shift all this Durasteel, if you think you can get some jedi mind tricks to help get a good price you are more than welcome to accompany us. You have said you want to check leads about where the bomb in the station came from and Ceph, I guess you might have some information for us, or not, I don't know." The little pilot gets up, checking the blaster strapped to his thigh holster, by reflex more than anything and then straightening the lapels of his leather jacket. "Time to go and make some friends? Vin, you coming with me or doing your own thing, if you are going off keep an eye out for somewhere fun to spend the evening, I aim to relax later, hopefully in the company of you all and a few good bottles celebrating making a killing on the cargo."