API Down? was fine an hour ago, now all my games are throwing this error.
Same here, work when I disable It's a trap, it's a trap pathfinder theme and Marching order. Do you have one of these ?
All scripts fail on my end. I don't use any of what you are running, sebastien g. API's gotta be down, then.
The scripts mentioned above haven't changed recently, but I'm getting the same error. When I disable some of them and eventually get the API in a working state, I'm seeing the following warnings in my API console for some of the remaining enabled scripts:
Spinning up new sandbox... Failed to load Tails of Equestria Helper incompatible character encodings: UTF-8 and US-ASCII Failed to load Check It Out incompatible character encodings: UTF-8 and US-ASCII
The scripts appear to work fine if you manually copy their code in from the repository,
No scripts are loading for me. I was getting the message that they were unable to download, now the API simply fails to restart. This is regardless of what combination or scripts I disable.
Hi everyone!
The dev team is investigating the intermittent issues with the API, will provide more information when it is available. Sorry for the trouble!
Merged Threads:
Luckily I have many of the scripts I use saved locally. I thought of trying what Stephen L. has done, too, and it did work for me---up to a point. In a matter of minutes the API crashed again and I'm back to square one.Hopefully this can get resolved soon.
Thanks for the reports. We're investigating this issue, but it would be helpful if a few of you could share one or two of your games where this is an issue. You can copy+paste a link to your game in this thread or send me a Private Message with that same link.
Thanks, everyone.
We've got some games without a working API. This appears to be affecting a limited number of users, and so your examples have sped up the fix. I very much appreciate your help!
We are working on a solution. I will post back here with more details.
We are playing Genesys RPG, with dice roller and sheets. Dice roller API script doesn't work at all. Had to go with me as GM rolling dice manually today. Nice change to normal routine, but I'll be waiting to get the scripts working. I sent you a link to our game, in case anybody else with Genesys Dice roller hasn't encountered this yet. Take care and have a good rest of the week!
Hi Kenton - My game where the scripts are not loading is... https://app.roll20.net/campaigns/scripts/4483952
I made a copy of my game, and I manually installed all the scripts to the copy, but did not use the One-Click install for any. Everything is working in the copy. Still not fixed for the original game but this allows me to play tonight without a hitch! I've gone ahead and renamed my old game "Broken" and will just use the new copy from now on.
We're currently rolling out a hotfix to address the issue. There may be intermittent outages during this period.
Was experiencing the crash again.After the hotfix the error messag was an 'unknown (or unrecognized, I cannot recall which) token'. Interestingly, that was nearly the same error I recieved just before the API began to crash consistently, except my name was identified or attached to the troublemaking token. I would just refresh the API with no issues until it occurred again and up until a refresh was made pointless.
I did disable all scripts, deleted a few, then cleared out caches/histories, restarted roll20, then just Enabled the scripts. The error returned once, but was cleared upon a library refresh.
So far, so good.
Thanks, everyone, for the quick responses and good work..