Greetings! This morning we pushed code that fixes and changes how sendPing functions. The sendPing API function moveAll = True now moves all players, not just the GM, if they are all on page specified in the API call. If no value is provided for moveAll, it defaults to false; when it is false, no players are moved, and everyone sees the ping. The sendPing API can now ping the same location more than once. The sendPing API now has a new option available, visibleTo, which can be used to specify which players are affected by the ping. Other players will not be moved or see the ping. If sending to a single player, you can include their player ID as a string or variable. If sending multiple IDs, they can be included either as an array, or as a comma-delimited text string. The player ID can obtained using the findObjs() function and you can then use playerIsGM(playerID) to determine if an individual player ID is a GM. In this way, you should be able to find and pass in the player IDs of GMs into the sendPing function. There's a code example and updated syntax in the wiki documentation . Because this changes how some API scripts may currently be set up, a hotfix for APIs is scheduled for Friday morning, June 21. Please have API script changes in by Thursday, June 20, at 10 AM PDT to get into the hotfix. If you were previously exploiting the moveAll = true bug in your script, you should update it, and we will give priority to reviewing pull requests for affected API scripts.