Long time user, simple idea - Quality of Life.
Idea: In brief the idea is that any time you upload images to Roll20 for use in your campaigns the system will upload all of the files and then a pop-up box will appear showing images that appear duplicated (previously uploaded on your account) by either the image appearing visually same/similar OR by the direct name of the image matching exactly > Options include making a copy of the same image and completing the upload, not completing the upload for the pictures in question (Removing the duplicates), or being able to review all images and select which action you would like for each.
Example: Image uploaded named 'Test' - later another image is uploaded with the exact same name > system prompts based on name alone that the images may be duplicates, upon seeing both images side by side and reviewing them you can either change the name of either image to better fit, deny the upload going through OR allow both images to exist as named.
2nd Example: Image of a standard knight - later another image is uploaded that is exactly the same > system catches this and prompts you by showing both images. As you realize they are both the same you scrap uploading the newest image.
I would love this feature to make sure I don't have many duplicate images taking up my space and floating around under different names. Also beneficial in seeing images of a certain name in a 'blown up' view all side by side for comparison similar to how the 'folder' view for pictures works currently. Thanks for considering this quality of life suggestion.