In case anyone missed it, there was a Roundtable earlier today. I'm posting my notes from watching for quick reference, but please don't take my interpretation as what was said. You can watch the video yourself here - <a href="https://www.twitch.tv/videos/442253720" rel="nofollow">https://www.twitch.tv/videos/442253720</a> I've combined a few things from later questions into earlier bullet points to consolidate the information. Nolan (managing partner), Soraya (Brand Manager), Trivia (Licensing Director), and Jeff (Developer/Team Lead) laid out some basic info then answered questions that had been pre-submitted, as well as questions in the chat. As always, thanks to Roll20 Devs for taking the time to lay this info out for users! Roll20Con 2019 - Oct 5-6 Layer update delayed due to Advanced Fog of War/Dynamic Lighting - this process unearthed lots of internal questions regarding rendering they need to deal with. Planned updates include Marketplace, bug fixes/patches, tabletop data optimization, and back-end processes to help long-term development of the platform Pathfinder 2 launch will tie with Marketplace update, but full details closer to launch on what that means. "Speaking As" avatars in testing on Dev server. These updates are separate from Licensing, which has it's own road map. Layer Up (when it does finally launch) will give 1 layer at launch as a test to see how layers get used before implementing additional layers. Roll20 is aware (Nolan uses the word "embarrassing") that functionality has been lost with Advanced Fog of War in the updates because they were not aware enough of how users we utilizing the functions. They need to go back to the drawing board in some ways to get things right before launching the Layer Up update (or any other updates that hinge on this function). It sounds like AFoW will have more major overhauls coming now that it has been patched into a usable state again. This may also include re-branding the tools to help with naming confusion issues. Apparently their recent The Rundown video has some info on their process of how they have been working on the AFoW fixes. Page Navigation update might come towards end of the year, which might include other UI updates as well. Licensing: Return of the Runelords Book 2 and Out of the Abyss - both on the calendar for 2019, but there are more pressing projects such as PF2 release. Working very hard on PF2 release. Also the new D&D adventure. Starfinder AP also on calendar for this year. Starfinder core rulebook will have a massive funcitonality update eventually as well. User question: Release Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide and Dungeon Master's Guide? DM's Guide is still waiting for it to have more VTT functionality. They have ideas on how to integrate it, but they have to create those features. SCAG not on Calendar at all, but is on a list that might be more a 2020 release. User question: Alternate maps for D&D Modules with black and white/simple maps: Currently do not have artist resources to accomplish this through Roll20, so please let WotC know your dissatisfaction with maps. Roll20 wants to enable Marketplace makers who create map tiles to help fill this gap. User question: Rollable Tables as game add-ons purchasable in Marketplace? They will look into it, sounds interesting as an idea. User question: Marketplace Comments and Ratings system? Something they would like to do, still trying to minimize abuse factors, so still in discussion internally. User question: Thoughts on Fandom purchasing DND Beyond? Nolan says it isn't their business, so he is curious to see how it plays out since Fandom and Amazon/Twitch are VERY different. User question: Color coding for folders/playlists/sounds? Not specifically on a roadmap but a cool idea, but the whole folder structure system is being discussed, including things like dark mode. Accessibility and Visibility are major concerns in thinking moving forward. User question: 3D Dice and Roll Templates disparity fixes? At the moment no plans to adjust 3D dice User question: Full screen video chat? They are literally headed in the opposite direction. They are pretty pleased with the current level of stability of voice/video - it used to be "Roll20 voice/video name was mud" but for newer players they are seeing much more use as the systems are working much better. User question: When will banned Reddit users be reinstated? There were 13 banned users, half of whom were bots. Roll20 isn't on Reddit any more, it is entirely independent. And they feel a bit vindicated that the new mod staff on Reddit has banned many of the same users again. User question: Merge plus and pro memberships levels? Not something they are considering or are likely to consider. People use different tiers for different reasons, and the API costs more because of the server types it uses - so it has to be on a higher tier. They are working to try to clarify the differences and values between the tiers, including things they can add in the future to give them more value. They are also proud that Roll20 is a very usable free product. A confusing question about either uploading third party content (short answer, manually to your own game, not to something public because that breaks copyright issues) or adding your character sheet/system or module on the marketplace. All of these are covered on the wiki. To become a creator, there are some forms and contracts that have to be signed. Compendiums as Marketplace items are being worked on, but right now it is difficult to work on Compendiums on the site so they are still trying to make that process better. There are also concerns regarding copyrighted content being sold or available through compendiums. Compendium sharing by non-GM? Current work around is to start the game as the Compendium owner, then promote whoever is intending to be the main GM to co-GM. They agree this is clunky and not ideal, and they would like to simplify this as part of the Compendium process. User question: Tips for a new D&D player. They spend a bit of time on this. Chat gets pretty active. User question: Why has there been nothing addressing the RPTools DDoS attack? These tools are cached in image search, but Roll20 doesn't have anything to do with them as a company or their security. Nolan ties to the next question regarding music. User question: Alternate to Soundcloud/Fanburst other than uploading your own music? Roll20 wants to make more baselines graphics available for users. And they continue to look at how to integrate with third party content sources for music, but they don't want to be third party for a fundamental feature. Final question regarding where monsters exist in Modules - they aren't in the art library, but are in the Journal. Or you can copy and paste from other pages. Show ends, then returns to show off Soraya's (adorable) dogs.