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Mansion of Mystery door issue

I've purchased the Mansion of Mystery set, but I've run into a bit of a problem. The pack contains four versions of the mansion: mansion, night, mystery, and blank. Blank is obviously unfurnished; the other three are. The issue, though, is that although three map versions are fully furnished, they also appear with doors drawn and frequently closed. I would love to use a furnished version of the map for an upcoming adventure of mine, but I also want to use dynamic lighting and have the ability to toggle line of sight using a door control script. But it looks weird on the furnished map, because even if I toggle dynamic lighting, there is an image of a closed door that remains. And I don't want to use the blank version of the map. Is there any chance the creator of this item could provide a "daytime" (mansion) version of the maps, but with all doors removed?
If you create a graphic of the door in an "open" position you can place it on the map in the GM layer. Then when the door is open, just move it onto the map layer and the door will appear to be open  :) That way you can control the appearance of all the doors individually...
Ray said: If you create a graphic of the door in an "open" position you can place it on the map in the GM layer. Then when the door is open, just move it onto the map layer and the door will appear to be open  :) That way you can control the appearance of all the doors individually... I'm aware of that. But it doesn't change the fact that every furnished map has door images built in, most of them closed. It looks weird on the map, and would look weirder if suddenly an open door appeared (from the GM layer to map layer).
Forum Champion
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Given the number of maps with built-in doors (almost all of them), I tell my players to ignore the door graphic. If they can see through it, the door is open.
Yeah, this is extremely common.  I haven't seen a map yet on Roll20 that actually has working doors built in.  All of the official WotC stuff has closed doors drawn into the maps.
I think it's the aesthetics, which I totally understand his point of view.  More then likely the creator has a editable version of this on their PC still and would just be a matter of deleting a few things from what ever layer.   Nuclear Option You could photoshop the doors away.

Edited 1562475312
David Hemenway
Marketplace Creator
Hey there. I’m guessing the set in question is mine by the title of it. I hope you can find a workable solution Jay. Best route is to take the maps to Photoshop with the blank versions and try to cobble together what you need that way, though I’d opt for telling my players to ignore the doors.  As a creator, it’s hard to guess how people like to use their maps in Roll20. To include every possible variation of a map without filling a set with things the majority of players won’t use just doesn’t let me use my work time effectively. I’d never get new sets out (and I work slowly as it is).  Good luck.
There is a script, "Matt's Door Script" that does really functional doors, setting it up and getting it working is a challenge. Matt walked me through it or I would have never gotten it working. The script is old and may conflict with other scripts. for the preprinted doors, I just drop a mask of wood, stone or dirt where the doors show and put my door over it. The "move walls" script will give you finctional doors without the trouble of all of the programming, but the door images are moved to the GM layer until closed again. The "Matt's Script" will give you realism, but at a cost in prep time that may not be worth your while, the "Just use your eyes and forget the door image" is the easiest way to go, hiring a full animation crew would be the hardest, you need to decide how much the look is worth to you.
Thank you all for your input. It helps to know that most published stuff here has the same door issue. In any case, I'm going to use the blank versions of the map and furnish it myself. More work for me, but that way I don't have those door images built in. David, thanks for the insight. I fully understand that you can't anticipate every contingency or use case. But I do appreciate you taking the time to reply. Al e., I actually grabbed and installed the SimpleDoorControls script by ThreeofSwords yesterday, gave it a test run, and it works great. It's going to be killer on the blank version of this map. With one selection and macro script, I can open or close a linked door with DL and have it reflected on the map.
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SimpleDoorControls is my standby for this.