As it is, a sheet created pre-update has the tab section visible, and clicking on one will bring that tab up returning everything to normal. If I add that code in, the tabs quit working entirely. The current script for the action button tabs is this: const buttonlist = ["character","social","skill","equipment","combat","spells","psionics","healer","wards","circles","journal","configuration","release"]; buttonlist.forEach(button => { on(`clicked:${button}`, function() { setAttrs({ sheetTab: button }); }); }); tab html: <div class="buttonbar"> <div class="navbuttons"> <input type="hidden" class="showspells" name="attr_showspells" value="1" /> <input type="hidden" class="showpsionics" name="attr_showpsionics" value="1" /> <input type="hidden" class="showhealer" name="attr_showhealer" value="1" /> <input type="hidden" class="showwards" name="attr_showwards" value="1" /> <input type="hidden" class="showcircles" name="attr_showcircles" value="1" /> <button type="action" class="topbuttons" title="Character Main Page" name="act_character" >Character</button> <button type="action" class="topbuttons" title="Social Information" name="act_social" >Social</button> <button type="action" class="topbuttons" title="Percentile Based Skills" name="act_skill" >Skills</button> <button type="action" class="topbuttons" title="Inventory and Junk" name="act_equipment" >Equipment</button> <button type="action" class="topbuttons" title="Combat Skills and Saves" name="act_combat" >Combat</button> <button type="action" class="topbuttons confspells" title="Spells" name="act_spells" >Spells</button> <button type="action" class="topbuttons confpsionics" title="Psionics" name="act_psionics" >Psionics</button> <button type="action" class="topbuttons confhealer" title="Healer Abilities" name="act_healer" >Healer</button> <button type="action" class="topbuttons confwards" title="Wards" name="act_wards" >Wards</button> <button type="action" class="topbuttons confcircles" title="Circles" name="act_circles" >Circles</button> <button type="action" class="topbuttons" title="Journal or Notes" name="act_journal" >Journal</button> </div> <div class="docbuttons"> <button type="action" class="picbuttons" title="Sheet Configuration" name="act_configuration" >x</button> <button type="action" class="picbuttons" title="Release Notes and Documentation" name="act_release" >N</button> </div> </div> <input type='hidden' class='sheet-tabstoggle' name='attr_sheetTab' value='character' /> tab css /*Configure the tab*/ .sheet-character, .sheet-social, .sheet-skill, .sheet-combat, .sheet-equipment, .sheet-spells, .sheet-psionics, .sheet-healer, .sheet-wards, .sheet-circles, .sheet-journal, .sheet-config, .sheet-release{ display: none; } /* show the selected tab */ .sheet-tabstoggle[value="character"] ~ div.sheet-character, .sheet-tabstoggle[value="social"] ~ div.sheet-social, .sheet-tabstoggle[value="skill"] ~ div.sheet-skill, .sheet-tabstoggle[value="equipment"] ~ div.sheet-equipment, .sheet-tabstoggle[value="combat"] ~ div.sheet-combat, .sheet-tabstoggle[value="spells"] ~ div.sheet-spells, .sheet-tabstoggle[value="psionics"] ~ div.sheet-psionics, .sheet-tabstoggle[value="healer"] ~ div.sheet-healer, .sheet-tabstoggle[value="wards"] ~ div.sheet-wards, .sheet-tabstoggle[value="circles"] ~ div.sheet-circles, .sheet-tabstoggle[value="journal"] ~ div.sheet-journal, .sheet-tabstoggle[value="configuration"] ~ div.sheet-config, .sheet-tabstoggle[value="release"] ~ div.sheet-release { display: block; } From my limited knowledge, your sheetworker should set the value to the default that a newly created sheet would have and display the first tab. But instead it locks things up tight. I see a bunch of processor activity when I hit a button, but I'm not even seeing errors in the console. I may very well just leave it be. All it takes is that first click on a tab button to get everything sorted for the new setup.