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Seeking ONE player for Saturday game 5pst-9pst, 5th edition dnd.

Please do not apply if you are a flake, have 20 other applications out there for the same time, or are wasting my time. I have had half a dozen people either not show up at all, or flake out after I put a ton of time into their background/character creation. I am looking for a player who can COMMIT to a campaign. Heroes of Taraborn Please READ EVERYTHING before applying. Details Time: Saturdays, 5 pm PST to 9pm PST (sometimes later if players can) Seeking oone player, for a total of five. Currently we have a wizard, warlock, paladin and druid. 21+ or older please. There will be adult content and situations within this game. Consider this a hard R rating. Looking for experienced players.  Must be able to attend at least 80% of the sessions. If two players are missing, the game will be cancelled. This is something that I wish to avoid. I have and will replace players who miss too much. Homebrew campaign with character creation listed below. Players must be mature. No infighting. No rule lawyers. If I make a decision, go with it, its part of the game.  The rule of cool is applied when needed. Player Handbook and xanathars is available on roll20 (owned by gm) to make character creation easier. Equal combat/roleplay. Some sessions will be combat intensive. Some will be RP intensive. I try to keep a good mix. Players must have discord and a working computer and stable internet.  27 point buy + free feat from a list of approved feats. Starting at 3rd lvl. Other rules for char creation in game.  Campaign   Taraborn is a world of stark contrasts. Lush, fertile jungles, rugged, snowy mountain peaks, and barren wastes where any life struggles to survive.  Every country on the two continents have their own flavor, their own history and traditions. From Shita, the lands of Minotaur pirates and mercenaries, Villonisia the picturesque Halfling countryside of rolling hills and fertile fields, to the elven kingdom of Huava and the Vampire controlled lands of Graul. Adventures abound, opportunity and death lurking around every corner for those brave enough to seek to find power, fame or fortune. This campaign is meant for mature adults, as it deals with mature themes and realism in violence, sexuality, death, joy and sorrow. Death is not only possible, but probably as I will not hold back from killing players if the situation warrants it. Monsters go for the kill if it is to their benefit, and NPC's will act in their own best interest.  Defeats only make the triumphs all the more sweet. This campaign will include dungeons, cities, towns and villages made from painstaking hours of work, made from scratch, taking advantage of the tools that roll20 has to offer including dynamic lighting. This campaign will take the approved backgrounds that players come up with and I will create hooks and campaign arcs centered around your character.I try hard to keep from railroading characters down a certain path, as much as is possible on roll20.  I want the world to come to life based around what your characters need, desire or fear. Nothing makes DND more fun than when you are INVESTED in your character.  Theme: Players can expect to travel across wilderness teeming with bandits, monsters and friendly or hostile peoples. Bounties and contracts are readily available for any groups that dare to seek out adventure. Towns, villages, and cities are filled with npcs, friendly, netural or hostile towards the players dependent on their actions and reputations.   DM Experience: Starting back in the 80s when my much older brothers needed another player, I played first and second edition nearly two decades. I have DM'd in four campaigns on roll20, nearly all lasting over a year before real life claims players from the game causing campaigns to end.   I put a lot of time and effort into my campaigns. Campaign Length: As long as players are interested, and as long as I don't drop dead suddenly. Roleplay and Combat This campaign will include Combat and Roleplay in equal importance. I need players to be active. You don't have to use a voice, we aren't all actors. However, I don't want a wallflower either. Everyone needs a voice in the group. Too often its just one active person, and the rest just let things happen. Make your character come alive.  Alignment: This campaign does not require characters to be good. However, you must create a character and roleplay him in a way that he can work in a party. Chaotic stupid is not allowed. If you become disruptive to the group or game, the group has the right to simply kill your character off or eject them from their party.  All actions of the party will have consequences in the game. If you try to murder hobo your way through life, the party will quickly find itself arrested or executed by the authorities. There's always someone bigger, badder and meaner.  Homebrew Rules 1. The lucky feat is not allowed 2. . Players start with one extra feat from a list I provide to choose from. 3. Dying can have severe consequences. Not only money, but a chance that you will not come back at all as the strain to your body becomes too much.  4. . Drinking a potion is a bonus action. Feeding a potion to someone is a full action. 5. . For level up hit points, players roll the dice. If below the average, players may take the average.  6. Spears do 1d8 damage one handed, 1d10 two handed. Sling stones do 1d4 damage, bullets do 1d6. 7. on a crit, you automatically max the original damage dice. So do monsters. Rules subject to change or addition, for pleasure of group or dm. To apply, please send a PM OR post below. Applicants 1. Can you make 80%+ of all of the meetings?  2. This campaign is rated R, with adult situations. Can you handle that? 3. What class/race do you wish to play?  4. Age/sex/location 5. Have you played dungeons and dragons before. If so, please describe your experience. 6. Have you played this edition? 7. How much experience do you have with DND and roll20? 8.  Do you have discord, and a working microphone that you can use to hear and speak through? 9. Can you play well with others?  10. Did you read everything? I hope so! 11. Character ideas?

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1. Can you make 80%+ of all of the meetings? Yes 2. This campaign is rated R, with adult situations. Can you handle that? Yes 3. What class/race do you wish to play? Shifter/Barbarian 4. Age/sex/location. 30/Male/East Coast 5. Have you played dungeons and dragons before. If so, please describe your experience. I've played D&D for 8+ years now. I just recently had a long term campaign end a few months ago & have been searching to pick up another long time one. I enjoy games with a healthy mix of combat & RP that can highlight every player's skills. Serious tones interlaced with well timed & appropriate comedy I find to be best for me. The Shifter Barbarian isn't a lock by the way I consider myself a plug & play style player. If the party needs a specific role to be filled I'll gladly step up. 6. Have you played this edition? Yes 7. How much experience do you have with DND and roll20? 8+ years of DND & 3+ years on roll20. 8.  Do you have discord, and a working microphone that you can use to hear and speak through? Yes 9. Can you play well with others? Yes 10. Did you read everything? I hope so! Yes 11. Character ideas? I'd like to work with the DM & the players on my backstory so it doesn't clash with what has already been settled on. I want to make entering this game as smooth as possible.
1. Can you make 80%+ of all of the meetings?  yes  2. This campaign is rated R, with adult situations. Can you handle that? yes  3. What class/race do you wish to play? i want to play a dragonborn fighter/bard mostly bard 4. Age/sex/location 30/male/east coast 5. Have you played dungeons and dragons before. If so, please describe your experience. i have play d&d 5e before i have played in 3 game only one got higher then lvl 7, i have dm one game so far i ended went one my player had some real life stuff come up but most of my experience with rpgs is with other game  6. Have you played this edition?yes 7. How much experience do you have with DND and roll20? i have played in 3 game only one got higher then lvl 7, i have dm one game so far i ended went one my player had some real life stuff come up but most of my experience with rpgs is with other game i am very  good with roll20 8.  Do you have discord, and a working microphone that you can use to hear and speak through? yes  9. Can you play well with others?  yes 10. Did you read everything? I hope so! yes 11. Character ideas?my backstory can be change if it doesn't work in your world. i like to play former mercenary turned vagabond he was the bannerman and drum player went they march. i want to keep this short for u i will make more if i join  

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1. Can you make 80%+ of all of the meetings?  My schedule is static, I will likely make 100% of the sessions even if it lasts for years. If an unlikely emergency comes up I will leave a message. 2. This campaign is rated R, with adult situations. Can you handle that?  Yes 3. What class/race do you wish to play?  I would prefer to speak to dm about his home-brewed world, see if there is anything unique to the world I might like.  4. Age/sex/location 51,male,East Coast time zone, Canada 5. Have you played dungeons and dragons before. If so, please describe your experience. I have been playing since AD&D 1st edition,in the late 70's. It was my introduction to rpg's , and I was taught by my older brother. It brought me into the world of fantasy and imagination. Since then I have played and ran many games.  6. Have you played this edition? Yes, since it came out. 7. How much experience do you have with DND and roll20? I have played and ran 5e since it came out. I have a decent amount of experience as a player on roll 20, though I tend to be more of a Totm Dm. 8.  Do you have discord, and a working microphone that you can use to hear and speak through? Yes, contact info    Wandarer#6134 9. Can you play well with others?  I like to think so. I prefer co-operative, long-term, home-brewed campaigns, where we get a chance to dig deep into our characters and the lore of the Dms' creation. 10. Did you read everything? I hope so! Yes 11. Character ideas?  I like to fill a needed role, I am always able to find a class and race with some quirks that I enjoy playing. So, I would rather discuss if anything is needed to fill out the group,but if you wish an idea off the top of my head... A Divine soul sorcerer with the urchin background, who has gotten by on wits and his charm. He's always trying to get a leg up, but then often finds some innocent that needs it a little bit more then he does. 
1. Can you make 80%+ of all of the meetings? : I know I can and I dont apply if I cant commit(no one likes wasted time) 2. This campaign is rated R, with adult situations. Can you handle that? : I am 22 so most assuredly  3. What class/race do you wish to play?: up for anything and everything really, in or out of "official" books if offered, perfer reptilian races most times  4. Age/sex/location: 22/male/central florida(theres nothing heeeeere) 5. Have you played dungeons and dragons before. If so, please describe your experience. : yes over a handful of years, as with most things you've been doing for a while its a mixed bag of good and bad experiences  6. Have you played this edition?: yes 7. How much experience do you have with DND and roll20?: equivalent experience of each as I started D&D over roll20 for approx. 5 years now 8.  Do you have discord, and a working microphone that you can use to hear and speak through?: yes,yes and yes 9. Can you play well with others?: i'd like to think so, my resume has been pretty good as of late 10. Did you read everything? I hope so!: HA! jokes on you im actually from graul as a simple peasant thrall, I cant read! 11. Character ideas? : A lot , a kobold shadow monk whos a philosophizing sort of shiny hunter is initially in my head