Our group has recently been looking for someone who is up for GMing other potential games with us, as our usual GM (me) is already running with game of Pathfinder, and none of the rest of us have the time commitment to run a second game, but have the time to play. Our usual group is 7, but only 4 of us have the time for a second game, and thus, there are only four of us looking. This leaves us available to add another player. In the future, if you'd like, we'd more than likely offer an open invitation to future games with us for both any potential players and any interested GMs.
We're all experienced gamers, who all have a strong focus on narrative and roleplay, able to fill entire sessions without rolling a single die, if given the chance. As a result, we tend to enjoy story-driven games, but have no problem with action-oriented one (so long as it doesn't become the focus). The usual method of gaming involves skype voice chat for OOC discussion, and the text chat function of whatever program we're using to track IC and rolls. We're all familiar with MapTool (using it for Pathfinder), and tend to utilize it for logging game sessions, but we're also open to using Roll20, as they both offer what we need for sessions.
In general, we're looking at someone who is willing to run a game of Exalted (Abyssals and Infernals preferred), Shadowrun, or nWoD, but other suggestions that have come up are oWoD, Star Wars Saga, and GURPS (...unlikely on this one).
Nearly all of us are familiar with Shadowrun (save one), while half of us are familiar with Exalted, and only one with WoD. Regardless, we're all open and willing to learn new systems and could probably be enticed to another system with a decent enough pitch.
Our general timezones are based around EST or CST, and our Pathfinder game runs on Saturdays, making that unavailable for another game. If you'd like to get into contact with me directly, my skype SN is NakiItae.