After a short rest you open the secret door and find a slimy flight of stairs leading down to a shallow underground stream  The water is flowing rapidly to the right so you decide to explore upstream. After wading through the stream for some distance you pass under a grate. b'Urp squeezes through the gaps and finds himself in the entrance to the tomb. He climbs back down and you continue on, triggering some flammable gas by opening a secret door to Obalaka's tomb. Further up the stream you find yourself in a cavern. Water pours from cracks and seams in the rough walls of this cavern, whose floor is a muddy pool that flushes out into the tunnel you have come from. Just above the pool's surface, a large treasure chest dangles from rusty chains embedded in the ceiling. Javelin pulls out some thieves tools and gets to work, swiftly picking the lock and retrieving the treasure within - a lot of gold and some useful items. Finding that the stream goes no further you backtrack and pass by the stairway that led you to the stream. The underground river plunges down into a dark, rocky chasm. Cold air swirls up from below like the breath of some monstrous creature. Through the gloom, you spot an ornate treasure chest resting on a ledge opposite. b'Urp climbs around the walls and attempts to pick the lock, but this is no treasure chest - it is a mimic. The mimic attacks but is easily defeated. b'Urp looks down the chasm which descends 100 feet into the gloom and sees a pool below. He turns invisible and quietly climbs down the chasm. The walls of this grotto are slick with slime, and the air reeks of decay. Filthy water tumbles down from above then courses along a rough-hewn tunnel toward a murky lake. The din of machinery echoes from that direction. b'Urp moves down the tunnel. A dark underground lake opens up before you, its ceiling festooned with chains and gears—some of which appear to have dwarves dangling from them. A gigantic motionless stone cog rises from the water, with two matching cogs connected to it. Rusty metal conduits stretch from the cavern walls to the cogs. The water of the lake is slimy, with pinpricks of phosphorescent light twinkling in the murk. That's enough for b'Urp. He recognises this place and knows that an aboleth lurks nearby. He rejoins you all. You decide that you have now fairly much fully explored level one. Javelin is anxious about the useful gear and treasure that Trayzeal had so decides to go and fetch it. You return to level two where you secure a rope and Javelin climbs down to the barge to retrieve the treasure, leaning over and carefully picking up gear while trying not to trigger the pressure pad. It's no problem. Javelin retrieves a flaming swords, some very precious gems and an amulet, but as he touches the amulet strange shadows shift across the walls, forming the outline of a long-legged bird. Its beak stabs at you as a voice echoes through your mind: "You will do as I command!" The shadow of Unk'h appears, attempting to protect you from the bird, but a snail is no match for a bird with a sharp beak. The spirit of Unk'h is dismissed and Papazotl inhabits Javelin's mind. Javelin suddenly realises that all his indecision was a weakness brought about by Unkh's influence. Why was he some timid around such lesser creatures who obviously should serve him. He returns to you all a changed man. You decide that you seem to have explored all of level 2, so head down another level. This level seems to have purple mold  sprouting from the floors, walls, and ceilings. The mold smells like rotting corpses and occasionally releases clouds of harmless spores. As you move through these areas, tiny eyeballs emerge from the mold to scrutinize you, then disappear again. You pass a hall in which two hulking figures stand in alcoves, facing each other. Armor is bolted to their flesh, and they wear bucket helms and spiked gauntlets. Iron collars around their necks are connected by a spiked chain that stretches across the corridor. Avoiding that hall you continue, passing another plaque in the wall: A huge carving of a snarling jackal's head protrudes from the wall at the end of a corridor to the north. A chamber is visible through the gaps between its fangs. Javlin moves up and looks through the teeth. He sees the chamber that he had climbed down into earlier to retrieve gear from Trayzeal, but strangely, Trayzeal is not there. Then he sees a head poke through the darkness in the chamber - it is b'Urp. b'Urp climbs down into the chamber followed by Grizz, Trayzeal and Javelin. They then proceed to repeat their actions and Javelin realises that this is some sort of recording of what happened earlier. By this time you are all looking, and before you can avert your gaze Trayzeal has set off the trap and been devoured by locusts.  You all suffer from some PTSD at this point. After a very short stop you continue around the stairwell and to a passage to the south it opens to a passage running east-west with another crawlspace in the western passage. Rutgar is too large and Besh is too rigid to explore these crawlspaces so if falls to b'Urp again. He heads up the crawlspace. As he progresses, the face of a snarling minotaur is etched into a sheet of iron that bisects the crawlway. Its eyes have been cut out, letting you see through the sheet, beyond which the tunnel continues onward. b'Urp can see that the sheet can be lifted, but lacks the strength to do it. Grizz sends in his lizard to reconnoiter who climbs through the eyes and reports loudly everything he sees. More passages, more crawlspaces and then a giant chamber. By this time his voice is getting faint so Grizz calls him back and b'Urp emerges from the crawlway. You all head to the east instead. The passage then turn to the north and a much wider passage.  Still puddles of water cover the floor of this fifteen-foot-wide hallway. The walls are slick with moisture and set with murals showing animal-headed humanoids in armor, most of which appear to brandish real weapons hanging on the walls. A three-foot-high crawlway in the east wall is flush with the floor. At the far end of the hall, a rippling, transparent curtain of water fills a stone archway. Beyond the curtain, you see another hallway that looks similar to the one in which you stand. b'Urp decides to explore the crawlway while the rest of you examine the watery hallway. Despite several attempts to pass through the curtain of water holding a variety of weapons, both your own and some of those from the wall (as per the instructions on the plaque earlier) you are forced back by a flood of water each time. b'Urp finds himself emerging from the crawlspace in a massive chamber. Two balconies face each other over a vast pit. Between the balconies hover five wooden platforms, each one a disk ten feet across. A single torch burns above each balcony. On the balcony in front of b'Urp stands a rough-hewn, fifteen-foot-tall statue of a hulking fiend with furled wings and clenched fists. Set into the wall on the west balcony, far away, is a rusty lever in the up position. With his sticky hands and feet, b'Urp climbs along the wall and to the lever which he promptly pulls. The statue on the other side unclenches it's fists revealing two gems. At the same time howling winds rise up and fill the room. The sound of the wind is haunting and disturbing and b'Urp has to hold his psyche in check to refrain from going mad. However his monk training serves him well. He climbs back along the wall, despite the winds threatening to dislodge him, makes his way to the statue, retrieves the gems and then leaps back into the crawlspace and away from the howling winds. In a small room partway along the crawlway he examines the gems. One is a 1-inch-diameter pearly white crystal eyeball and the other is a similarly sized scarlet crystal eyeball. Very interesting. He returns to you all where he sees you struggling to make your way through the water curtain. b'Urp examines the problem and then uses his elemental monk power to destroy the water curtain. You all pass through as the water restores itself and find yourselves in a mirror image of the passage you just left.