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Dice roll formula: xd6(d6)

In Mongoose Traveller 2e, a Plasma Gun does 1DD in damage, i.e. 1d6(d6). The result of the first d6 rolled determines the number of d6 in the second roll; the final damage roll could be 1d6, 2d6, 3d6, 4d6, 5d6 or 6d6. Other weapons may do 2DD - 2d6(d6) - and so on.  It would be great if there's a simple formula for this roll, so that I can bang it into the automated script on the character sheet. However, I don't see a way of doing it with the commands/syntax available. Any ideas? 

Edited 1565610161
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
API Scripter
[[ [[ 1d6 ]]d6 ]] would give you what you need... you can even use queries for dice type or number of dice if variety is needed/expected. Attribute calls can also be substituted for a more dynamic approach: [[ [[ ?{Number of dice|1}d?{Dice type|4|6|8|10|12|20|100} ]]d?{Dice type} ]] [[ [[ @{selected|damage} ]]d@{selected|damagedie} ]] Note that the attributes used in the above example are examples and likely won't translate to the sheet natively.

Edited 1565610239
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
You can do this with nested inline rolls: [[ [[2d6]]d6 ]] Or /r [[2d6]]d6 or with a Roll Query: [[ [[?{Number if Dice|1|2|3|4|5|6}d6]]d6 ]] Edit: Ninja'd!!! =D

Edited 1565611037
Sr. K
Sheet Author
/r [[?{Number}d6]]d6 This should work ;) Edit: third place! >.<
Three answers in 30 minutes; you guys are awesome. Tested, and it works.  Many thanks all!