Indeed, and the wand solution is only for someone with ranks in Use Magic Device or that can cast the spell anyway if they wanted to. It all depends on the type of healing you want to do, I mean as a druid you get some nice flavorful little spells like Goodberry that allow you to heal by infusing berries with healing power. More of an after combat thing but it's fun to roleplay with. Also as a Cleric and Druid you have access to the full spell list, you just choose which spells to prepare and if you feel like you're not doing much with all of your heal spells prepared, you can easily respec to prepare other spells. Now Oracle is a Spontaneous caster so you don't have to prepare spells beforehand for one, but you do have to choose which spells you want to have and you can focus on the buffing ones but ultimately you will end up a little short depending on your Mystery and Spell choices and it's harder to choose to go a different route after you've set your path there.