the Default Background Color, Default Aura 1 Color, Default Aura 2 Color, & Default Token Tint Color all use the HexCode #000000 for their "Transparent" option. The problem is twofold: The HexCode lacks the Alpha Layer #00000000 the actual correct Setting is transparent This has been a persistent problem since I created my account, and it really should be a Simple Fix Additionally, once it is changed off of the original default setting, there is no way to restore it to the original settings for the Default Color Settings. HexCode: #000000ff = Black, 100% Opaque, 0% Transparent HexCode: #00000000 = Black, 0% Opaque, 100% Transparent Correct Transparent Setting: transparent This is a Roll20 Bug, not tied to any Sheets. The VTT uses " transparent " instead of a HexCode for Transparency. should it matter, I am currently seeing this bug in my Roll20 OGL 5e D&D Sheet games.