Turning Compendium sharing off or on for players at the table is a great touch, but it's sort of awkward that if you happen to own the monster manual that your players end up with a handy search bar to look for the strengths and weaknesses of any monster at a moment's notice. You may think you have trustworthy players, but when the effort to research an encounter becomes "type the word Gnoll into this search bar and we'll know the stats of what we're fighting," I feel like it invites unnecessary metagaming. The current choice to prevent this is to turn off player sharing of your whole compendium which is like telling GM's to choose between buying GM resources or player resources for the table, or to turn off player resources while playing if they don't trust everyone at the gaming table like their own mothers do. Just seems like a fix could be implemented where you could browse a checklist of Compendium resources and choose which resources to share and which to not. I'm pretty sure implementing this would sell more Compendium resources, considering I've seen at least one forum post suggesting that some GM's are skeptical about buying the Monster Manuals and Bestiaries for this very reason.