Bast L. said: Hey, I've been working on something similar, and so, since you're in my game, I threw this together. It only does Bull Rush atm, but look at the maneuvers constant. Should be clear how to add more. To use, select a bunch of PC tokens, hit !CombatManeuverBatch in chat. gist: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Edit: Danger, I don't test things carefully, so use at your own (or your players') risk. Awesome, thanks Bast! I'll test it out and let you know how it goes. Edit: Does this look like the right syntax for adding more maneuvers? (changed some of the features it changes to suit my other campaign's needs). Also, for descriptions with multiple paragraphs, is \n what I would use to mark breaks in the text? const maneuvers = [ { atkname: "Bull Rush", atktype: "cmb", atkmod: "0-[[{(floor((1-(floor((@{hp}/@{hp|max})*4)/4))*3)),3}kl1]][WND]", atkvs: "cmd", dmgflag: "unchecked", descflag: "checked", atkdesc: "<description>" } { atkname: "Dirty Trick", atktype: "cmb", atkmod: "0-[[{(floor((1-(floor((@{hp}/@{hp|max})*4)/4))*3)),3}kl1]][WND]", atkvs: "cmd", dmgflag: "unchecked", descflag: "checked", atkdesc: "<description>" } ] Edit2: Must not be right, cuz I get the error message SyntaxError: Unexpected token {