Kas said: Kas said: Is there any way that character sheets could become a tool that the player in a game could be open to choosing to use? I've simply been in a good few games now that either use a sheet that is uncomfortable or no sheet at all. The ability to be able to use one of the preselected sheet formats while inside a game would be very advantageous to me. Asking again if there is any way that this option could be implemented player-side. Getting to choose a character sheet to use at the player's behest would be a very appreciated option when GMs are lacking in the desire to set one up or GMs engaged in Living Worlds are not want to pursue it either. The problem is that different sheets have different attributes (the html code that generates attributes on the Attributes & Abilities tab which allows you to call them in a macro). Allowing 2 different sheets in a game would totally screw up api script usage and a lot of custom gm rolls because your macros/scripts would have to be configured for the other sheet. To make it possible to have more than one sheet code active in a game, it would probably require such changes to how sheets are accessed (by macros anyway) that it would screw up every macro and api setup in all currently active games.