Hi! So recently I found out about the game Root which is a powered by the apocalypse rpg currently on Kickstarter and is being developed by Magpie games. There is a board game of the same name which it is inspired by which I personally haven’t played but might give some other people an idea of what I’m talking about. It is estimated to not be released in full until sometime next year but there is currently a Quickstart version of the game available for free.
The game itself is about a conflict between warring factions being fought between various (extremely adorable) woodland critters. You play as Vagabonds, a band of critters who need to take to the woodlands and find your calling, whether it be joining one of the major factions, turning to banditry or simply looking out for you and yours.
The Quickstart version of the game is playable and I thought I’d look to see if anyone had any interest in trying it out. I’d be happy to step in as either a player or GM depending on what other people might want. If you have any interest then feel free to leave a reply here or message me.