Simply posting to see if I can collect a band to play through this after my last group did not end so well. What: Pathfinder, the Jade Regent adventure path campaign. When: Saturdays, 7PM EST (ish. Later is possible), weekly. How: Skype voice mandatory, no text. Details: Must have a functional working knowledge of the Pathfinder system, though min-maxers/powergamers need not apply. This is a very NPC-driven story campaign, with tons of content I've added to pad out the length. This will not be a simple hack-and-slash, so comfortable in-character roleplaying is necessary. The pace is deliberately rather slow and relaxed. Character building will be a collaborative process to make sure the characters fit the setting and work with the campaign. 20-Point Buy. Restrictions: Core races only. It's not a rule, but I prefer human games because it's simpler. No class restriction, but please don't build game-breaking full-casters or mass summoners. I reserve the right to veto classes. Third-party I may consider, depending on what it is, but Dreamscarred is a yes. Bonus: If you have experience with at least the first book of Rise of the Runelords, and are familiar with the Sandpoint setting, you'll probably be bumped up to the top of the list. This is purely because it makes it easier to get right into the character process without having to explain things. The kind of player I'm looking for is mature, easy to get along with, and isn't a flake who will miss sessions unannounced. If that sounds like your bag, send me a message or give me a shout directly on Skype: Askren-