Since I'm bored and between games right now, I'm thinking of offering my services to teach some people the Pathfinder system. So what is it? Beginner Box is a one-shot game, usually played with pre-generated Iconic characters, though I would be happy to spend time on how to create characters from scratch too, just not for the actual game because it would take too long. Who is this game for? Brand new players, preferably. People who have never played an RPG before and/or new to roleplaying in general, or just want to learn the system from scratch. Please, no players who know the system and just want a game to pass the night. I'll be happy to explain the system from start to finish, which will touch on character building, both personally and with a group, roleplaying and interacting with NPCs, and of course the basics of actually playing the game, including combat, plot, and the mechanics involved. When? Well, that depends on the group. Most of my week is free, so if you intend to play, please provide availibility and the ability to work out a session day. We'll be playing via Skype voice, not text, so be availible for conversing via Skype.