My Character Sheet keeps creating values for input fields that are not existent any longer. My sheet is used on game: 3889817 It's been 7 months since I worked on it for the last time. Now i implemented a few changes but the sheet denies them and keeps using stuff that is gone... meh? I had this code first: <input type="text" name="attr_str-statusmod" value="0" readonly="readonly"> on("change:bullenstaerke", function() { getAttrs(["str-statusmod", "bullenstaerke"], function(values) { setAttrs({ "str-statusmod": parseInt(values["bullenstaerke"]*4,10) }); }); }); It worked perfectly for the last 4 months! Now I wanted to add another field to the calculation to sum up all the str buffs... whatever. I played around a bit and found out that my changes to the sheet are actually being ignored. Now I have the following code: <input type="text" name="attr_diesisteintest" value="0" readonly="readonly"> on("change:bullenstaerke", function() {
getAttrs(["diesisteintest", "bullenstaerke"], function(values) {
"diesisteintest": parseInt(values["bullenstaerke"]*4,10)
}); But my sheet keeps creating "str-statusmod" in the "Attributes & Abilities" Tab. That field is not being used anywhere anymore! And also the calculation that adds it up to the whole amount of Strength is GONE. How is that even possible? What can I do to force a refresh on the script? The DOM of my HTML is just fine. It refreshs. The JavaScript isn't though.