Greetings! This morning we pushed out an exciting new feature, some Roll20Con support, plus a few bug fixes and character sheet updates! The Marketplace Wishlist! At long last, we've launched a Wishlist function in the Marketplace! You can now create, edit, add to, and share your wishlists of marketplace items. You can use them to give items to your friends and GMs, and when you already own an item on a wishlist, you'll easily be able to see that! How it Works To open your Wishlists view, click your profile name and select My Wishlists from the drop-down menu. You'll see the main Wishlist view. Click the Create New Wishlist button to make a new wishlist. Name your wishlist, and set it either public or private. Private wishlists are only viewable by you. Public wishlists can be viewed by anyone. To edit your wishlist, view your wishlist in the My Wishlist view. There are two or three icons to the right of the wishlist name: Click the pencil icon to change the wishlist's name or privacy setting. Click the arrow icon to copy a link to share your wishlist. This option is only available for public wishlists. Click the trash can icon to delete the wishlist entirely. When viewing your own wishlist, you'll see the items on your wishlist with a Purchase button and a Remove link. Click the Purchase button to buy the wishlist item. Click Remove if you want to delete it from your wishlist. To add to a wishlist, go to any marketplace item. In the Buy Now box, you'll now see a Wishlist button. Click the button. You'll be prompted to select which wishlist to add the item to. You can also add to your wishlist from a search result. Hover over the item in the search, click the star that appears, and select the wishlist to add to. Want to buy a gift for your GM or a friend? Find their wishlist by visiting their user profile page and clicking the View Wishlists link on the left side menu. If they have public wishlists available, their wishlists will be visible. Click the Buy button to view the item in the marketplace, where you can click the Gift button to buy it as a gift for your friend or GM, or for yourself if you prefer. Feedback The wishlist feature is still being developed, and we have a few improvements already planned. If you have any feedback, or encounter any bugs with this exciting new feature, please post them in the dedicated bug reporting thread . Roll20Con Page and Games The Roll20Con page is live and you can now create and find games with the Roll20Con Badge! How it Works When you create or edit your game, you have the option to check the Roll20Con event checkbox to have the game listed as a Roll20Con game! When searching in the LFG tool, you can filter by just Roll20Con events! Bug Fixes The animation shortcut key "." no longer starts/stops the animation if you have a token selected while typing in handouts or the chat window. When a running playlist is deleted from a game, it no longer causes the game to infinitely load. Character Sheets Pathfinder 2 by Roll20: Some CSS fixes and color updates D&D 5e by Roll20 College of Lore for Bard can select all spells Ability Score Improvements in Charactermancer are capped at 20. Miss the August Roundtable? Catch the recap here . Looking for previous release notes? Read the full list on the helpdesk , or check out the most recent note .