I'm not sure which section of the forums this should be in, but I am going to throw it in API since I ran into it messing with API commands. First of all, I ran into this issue while setting up the ammo script. On the Palladium Fantasy 1E sheet that I wrote, there is a repeating section for ranged attacks. Included on the sheet for player or DM use is a "Notes" text field (@{attack_reference}) that uses the description part of the roll template. I recently added a box to track ammunition in the repeating row and decided to install and add Ammo to my short API script list. The macro that is rolled when the attack is rolled looks like this: <button class='rangeddice' type='roll' title='Strike (Attack) Roll with Damage' name='roll_rangedattack' value="&{template:custom} {{color=blue}} {{title=**@{character_name}**}} {{subtitle=attacks with @{weapon_attack}}} {{Attack= [[d20cs>@{hth_ranged_critical}+@{weapon_strike}+@{temp_strike}]]}} {{Damage= [[@{weapon_damage}+@{temp_damage}]]}} {{desc=@{attack_reference}}}">S</button> Since this is a repeating section, I do create the macro for Ammo as a character ability and tell people not to change the position of the weapon with ammunition without letting me know so that I can alter the Ammo macro to be pointing to the right position in the order. Since shots are done one at a time, I don't have to have a query for how many arrows are used. On a test character, the Ammo macro (named "-Arrow") looks like this: !wammo @{selected|character_id} repeating_rangedattacks_$0_ammunition -1 arrow I thought I would make a chat menu button out of this ability by putting it in the Notes (@{attack_reference}) text field on the sheet: [Subtract Arrow](~-Arrow) Now comes the interesting part. The Ammo macro call requires the token to be selected which is fine, but the chat menu is broken when hitting the button on the character sheet. However, if I call the same attack roll from the sheet using a listing from the Universal Chat Menu script, the button not only appears like I expected, but works. My question is: What kind of voodoo is this? Anyone have any idea why it works one way, but not the other?