There is a general lack of organization for technical matters because of the necro rule. Question asked twenty times? 20 threads. Bug reported 12 times? 12 threads. Want to update a script/ sheet because some obscure user had a question and it caused you to add a bunch of features to your script? Throw that old thread away and create a fresh new one that has to have the same discoverability problems as every other thread. Noon said : I can't really type a lot because I broke an arm so I'll be more brief than I normally am: I want to preempt a dev response with a counter argument: The only purpose of the strict thread closure rules is to combat the two week limit on bumping. Most forums don't get the kind of traffic that need something like that. A more elegant solution is to warn users when they're about to post in an old thread and consider a new one. To most people, this will work. Others will make an occasional faux pas. That is a small price to pay for a very large increase in focus and usability. I speak from the experience of someone who has literally posted tens of thousands of forum posts in my life (above 50k easily). Posting is a grind here. With the amount and speed of what I'd consider "power user" support this topic has, I'm sure we'd all appreciate a bit of grease.