What happens to my uploaded assets if I'm above the free account storage limit and I downgrade from plus or pro to a free account? Longer explanation; I'm preparing to DM my first campaign on Roll20 (I'm currently a player in another DM's Roll20 campaign). I currently have a free account, I'm maxed out for storage space. I plan to upgrade my account to Plus or Pro about a month or two prior to starting my campaign. I don't know when my campaign will start because I don't know when our current campaign will end. If I upgrade my account now (to increase storage), upload additional assets going above the free account limit, complete my initial setup, and then drop back down to a free account until my campaign is about to begin: What will happen to my assets, my game, etc.? Sorry if this has already been explained, I did not see it on the Subscription FAQ, forms, or external sites.