The original thread for Roll20 Audio Master hasn't had a post in 2 months, so it's closed now. Here's the new thread.
I've got a few things I want to add to Roll20AM.
1) The Jukebox Audio Manager is challenging to use and it's easy to add the same tracks to multiple playlists without realizing it. I'm going to put a duplicate check that displays tracks across multiple playlists so you can either change your audio manager or remove the track from the playlist from within Roll20AM
2) I put in tags to dynamically create playlists from among your multiple playlists to tailor a soundscape for a specific session. I used it for a while but I haven't used it at all in a long time. I'm going to remove this logic unless someone says to me otherwise
3) I'm going to put a verify check to verify that you've imported your tracks and there's no tracks in Roll20AM that no longer are in jukebox.
4) I'm going to replace the tag1 through tag 4 icons with at least 1 icon that displays the command about to be issued. This will help macro users quickly copy out the command
5) Any other requests, speak now or forever.....