Hello Everyone :) I'd like to introduce
you to a product of mine called 'Soloman Temple Squares' - which aims
to be the largest modular dungeon tile system ever created for RPG and is coming soon to Roll20.
With over 320 sets comprising more than
46,000 individual tiles - S.T.S offers unprecedented range for
foundational dungeon building. Each tile measures 8x8 squares/units
and Each set, contains 144 different designs.
STS features the standard colour
spectrum you'd expect for classic tile building - from old school
blue and white, dungeon stone texture grey, or brown and white hatch:
but also features possibly the largest range of modular dungeon tiles
in existence with enough colours to suit almost any requirement. The
colour and theme of your dungeon can completely alter the mood,
emotion, feeling and atmosphere of your adventure. Whether you need
environmental representation (hot, cold, misty, dry), planar
representation, other dimensions, planets, underwater, sky,
futuristic, superhero, fantasy or sci-fi dungeon tiles - STS has them
so you can customize an appropriate dungeon or layout to suit.
Players climbing down a well?
Travelling through a portal? Exploring some celestial or elemental
plane? Braving the intense fires of a dwarven forge or the fires of
hell itself? In an icy dungeon or a mouldy, mossy sewer? Ancient
temple or hellfire spawnpoint? Fallen through the ethers into some
unknown space? Perhaps affected by some gas, poison or hallucinogenic
substance that alters their reality? Crossed over to the otherside?
Been transported inside a computer or high-security system? Submerged
underwater diving for treasure, wandering about some atlantean
sub-city, or maybe even diving to the core of the planet through an
abyssal chasm? Found some water-dwelling species or lovecraftian
dimension with strange geometry and insane colours? --- Soloman
Temple Squares can cover all these eventualities and thousands more
giving you the building blocks to make a dungeon for virtually any
scenario you want to - especially the strange ones.
With STS you can easily rebuild classic
maps with the correct specifications for Virtual Table Top - or make
your own custom monster labyrinths. Built on a 1" grid (and
sized for 140x140 for R20) it is designed for making maps within VTT
allowing you to preserve the tactical accuracy by scaling furnishings
accordingly so your maps aren't pinched for room or out of scale and
characters can move freely through the environment without standing
on furnishings.
- Each set, is identical in layout to
all the others except for its colouring/theme - so a (3) in one set
will be the same in all other sets. Each set has its own individual
name (featured in the tag as well) so you can easily find what you
are looking for among your collection. Just look for tile or square
to bring up your Squares. - Treat the background as walls, add
walls, or use it as water, slime, fire, lava, air, chasms. - Rotate and join the 144 different
tiles to create a virtually unlimited array of layouts. - Join 4 of the same together to create
beautiful symmetrical patterning in your dungeon. - Transition from upper/lower dungeon
levels using different colours to indicate difficulty like the system
employed by the game Diablo. - Create dungeons with huge colour
variation for different areas just for the look, or signifying
environmental changes, (gas, marsh, extreme heat/cold, darkness,
slippery, mouldy etc). - Craft gigantic super-dungeons and
keep the design fresh by using the huge range of tile designs and
huge range of tile sets to construct enormous effortless structures
as if by magic like the great architect Soloman himself. - STS is also compatible with my
Meanders: Modular Battlemap series using a similar stone patterning -
allowing you to easily drop in art-matching, custom expansion areas
connected to an exit/entrance or where ever you like. Here are the designs in each set:
I will be releasing sets periodically
to help expand the collection.