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[LFP] Red Hand of Doom (5e; Paid) Fridays 6PM PST [GMT -8]

The dry hilltops danced with fire. Throughout the heart of the wild badlands the humans called the Wyrmsmokes, great bonfires had been kindled atop the ridges overlooking Elsir Vale. There thousands of warriors had gathered—hobgoblins in armor dyed scarlet, thick-thewed bugbear berserkers, goblin worg riders and skirmishers and archers, and the scaled ones as well, who often towered over the rest. For so long they had fought each other, tribe against tribe, race against race, engaged in the endless test of battle, feud, and betrayal. But tonight . . . tonight they stood together, hated enemies shoulder-to-shoulder, shouting together as brothers. And they saw that they were strong, and together they danced and sang and shook their blades at the smoke-hidden stars overhead. This game will be a full conversion of the acclaimed Dungeons and Dragons 3.5 campaign "Red Hand of Doom". The game will start off with your characters at level 5 arriving in the Elsir Vale. Face off against the hobgoblin horde of the Red Hand and their leader Azarr Kul, champion of Tiamat! Come on over to the LFG post for more details! This game will require payment to the Game Master at a rate of $6.00 USD per person per session, or $20.00 USD per person monthly. Roll20 is not responsible for any payment transactions and cannot enforce any private arrangements.
Currently have one, possibly two, open spots starting at 6th level.
We have two spots open for tonight's game.
Just had our last spot open up. Jump in as we continue the adventure this evening!
I am interested but typically in the future when life becomes normal again, I can't make Fridays. How long are you expecting the campaign to go for?
I'd be at least 2-3 months and possibly more before we reach the end.
Same, I'm super interested but I'm a bar manager in "regular" life.  I'm really just looking for a one shot so I'm willing to pay the $6 for a one-time game.  I'm willing to play an NPC and turn controll back over to the dm after tonight or whatever.
One last slot is now open!
We've had one spot open up for this adventure - currently at level 11 but going to much higher! Check out the LFG post for details and drop us a line.
A couple of hours until tonight's session. Still have room for one more!