Hello all and good day/evening/night to you. I know that I'm not allowed to post upcoming or soon-to-be released art assets so I'm not doing that... Instead, I am offering some [Freebie] assets in preparation for the adventure the aforementioned art assets would contain. So, without further ado, I present to you... a mystery. Entering the tavern you immediately scan the crowd of between 10 and 15 patrons gathered round. No one seems out of place or extraordinary. You notice the barkeep silently rinsing steins in a large wooden bucket behind the bar. The people within the tavern seem to be a merry folk, laughing and grabbing at smoked meats between large gulps of ale. There's an overall sense of confusion, however surrounding one particular man hunched over the counter. His hair is grayed and long. His clothes look like they've been fashioned by hands from a far-away land. You occasionally notice the barkeep glance over to him, in an almost concerned manner. No one sits near him and he does not look up. As you approach the bar, the keep asks you quietly what he can do for you this evening. You notice several half finished ales sitting before the gray haired man and before you can respond to the keep, he calls out for another ale. Puzzled, the barkeep motions for you to wait a moment before he serves you. The grayed man takes note of this and looks to you. His wild eyes burn with passion as he grabs hold of your clothing and pulls you close. He stares at you and quietly whispers, "Those within the constraints of time will never know of its absence." His eyes shift back and forth between yours for a moment and the entire tavern watches in silence. Suddenly, he lifts his frame from the stool and violently marches out the door. When the door closes you look around the room to find an interested group. The barkeep, with his hands on his hips, shakes his head in disapproval and finally turns to you to ask, "now what can I do for you?" You ask him about the strange man and the barkeep says he showed up early in the day and hasn't spoken much since he arrived except a few times when he broke the laughter and good cheer of the tavern with screams of, "it isn't time!" Your eyes move toward his seat and scan his half-drunken steins. The barkeep begins to pick them up when you spot a piece of parchment beneath one. You grab it and find something unusual scribed onto this noticeably aged, yet well preserved paper. A note of importance to someone, it seems, though the text can't immediately be deciphered. At the bottom are the numbers, 0-1-4-1. You wonder what it must mean and what the old grayed man meant as he stared into your eyes.