keithcurtis said: The Shaped Sheet has all sorts of wonderful features, but sometimes at the expense of a steeper learning curve. I'd love to see it mined for ideas, but I think that adopting everything would mean essentially re-writing the D&D 5th Edition by Roll20 Sheet from scratch. I don't want to see that. The Shaped Sheet and companion had some odd solutions to problems, that did not mesh with the existing architecture. For example, all monsters and spells were added in via json within the script. That would be a nightmare to keep current, requiring a parallel maintenance, and lead to easy abuse. This incompatibility with the Compendium was likely one of the issues that kept it from ever being Charactermancer compatible. I'd hesitate to call it the "Gold Standard" by only listing its positives and ignoring its negatives. I'd like to see the official sheet continue to grow, and to use some of the ideas from the Shaped Sheet (that's a great list, by the way, my picks would be 2 & 6), but not to the extent that the sheet would need to be completely re-written and likely have to deal with bugs for the better part of a year. I agree with you on #2&#6. #3 could be useful. I wouldn't mind #9: There really should be a place to list gems, and there are optional attributes such as Honor and Sanity that some people use. It'd be nice if the sheet could accommodate those, as well as possible homebrew ones.