Hello! I finally bit the bullet and upgraded to a Pro subscription, largely so that I can use this script. So far, I love it! That said, I have a few questions & requests: The resource tracking is wonderful, but I was wondering if there's any way when tracking uses of an ability/item, not to have the full ability description and everything else displayed each time you click the + or - to change the uses available. If that's not possible, would it at least be possible to get it to respect the "Scroll long Descriptions" setting? Is it also possible to make the ammo tracking not automatic, so that it works like abilities/items/spells? The manual mentions the possibility of querying what type of ammo to use with each attack, but it doesn't indicate the syntax to use to accomplish this. Would you be able to provide an example? Do you have any plans to support the new custom token markers feature? That in combination with your Condition/Buff Statusmarker feature would be amazing! Thanks! -Joe