I'm trying to fill an attribute using the following command: !setattr --sel --replace --repeating_attacks_-create_atkmod|1[MWK]~<<{(floor((1~(floor(((`{hp}~1)/`{hp|max})*4)/4))*3)),3}kl1>>[WND]~<<ceil((;{Distance to target; (max 1100 ft)|5}~110) / 110) * 2>>[RPEN] but this is all that gets through: 1[MWK]-[[{(floor((1-(floor(((@{hp}-1)/@{hp The chat log shows this: I've tried replacing the '|' with '#', '/', and '&#124;'—none of them seem to work. Is there another character I can substitute or a different way I can write out the @{hp|max} attribute that doesn't interfere with the API command? ( Related Issue , but doesn't deal with API directly)