Well, as i'm stuck before i can try out anything (wont get neither firefox nor chrome here) i'd like to add some thoughts about localization.
This system is a great aproach not only for the english speaking community but also for all other countrys out there. but as text is a major part of this, there are a lot of languages including signs not existing in english. (for example ö, ä, ü, ß, etc.)
Well, as you can guess a fluent game can stall a bit if your fluent writing does not comprehend with the program you use. So well for that part all i can say is, please keep an eye on the encoding, even if it is one of the bigger nightmares of coders =)
Second is the real language support, is there any plan to get a language selection and the menus in different languages? and maybe get some small differences by language, for example here its 1w20 and not 1d20. Sure, a selection of that particular letter is just nice to have but its still a regional difference.
Well, so much for the thoughts
and i guess if you really plan to implement other languages for the tool itself, there will be plenty of people there who help with the translation :)
oh yeah, the w in 1w20 stands for "würfel" .. and so, as "dice" is "würfel", thats a good example for a pretty common used word in p&p games with a difficult letter in it :)